Learn a trade outside of college world. Most states have vocational education. College is a waste of time, energy and money unless you are going into a profession i.e. medicine, law. Plumbers make $100 an hour in my rural area with a 2 hr minimum. Dry wall? $65 hr Carpenter? $70 an hr for a 2 man crew.
I've had a hell a time finding someone just to do simple yard cleanup and help me with heavy housework. Maids are $150 -200 if they do windows and deep cleaning. Laborers make $20-25.
Computer coding or systems management? The field is really crowded and foreigners are being hired.
*edit Find a state that is small business friendly. Start a business out of your house if necessary. If you have to go to college, pick a Christian one.
If you have to go to college, pick a Christian one.
They're just as fucked.
>Learn a trade outside of college world
>College is a waste of time, energy and money unless you are going into a profession i.e. medicine, law
Conservatives following your advice are why medicine and law are so pozzed. "Trust the science" wouldn't work if white men were the doctors. Divorce law wouldn't be how it is without (((their))) appointment as judges.
(post is archived)