Easily. If not more.
Together my wife and I bring home around $400k/year and we're just over the hump from barely making it. We own a house and have two kids. It doesn't help that we live in Marin County (where everything is ridiculously expensive) but we'll be moving when my son finishes high school.
Honestly I'd say that to live in a metropolitan area a family needs about $300k/yr to be truly "comfortable". And by "comfortable" I mean not having real monetary worries.
Congratulations on your success! I broke through the $500K barrier once in my life, back in 2005. What a year that was! I was proud as a peacock. I live in a rural area, so money goes far.
My frugal Yankee dad had a saying - "It's not necessarily how much you make, it's what you do with it".
(post is archived)