Always local if you can. If you have room for a deep freeze and some cash it is very much worth buying in bulk. It's not going to be like this now but about 2 years ago I could buy half a cow for 3.50/lb no matter what the cut was. You just need to be able to pay upfront and be able to freeze it.
Always local if you can. If you have room for a deep freeze and some cash it is very much worth buying in bulk. It's not going to be like this now but about 2 years ago I could buy half a cow for 3.50/lb no matter what the cut was. You just need to be able to pay upfront and be able to freeze it.
I have a small(er) freezer. I was limited in size as to what I could get in the wagon.
I have a small(er) freezer. I was limited in size as to what I could get in the wagon.
(post is archived)