i'm uneducated in economics. so i don't know if $26 / hour minimum wage is possible. but the minimum cost of living is higher than $15 / hour.
i would be in favor of $26 / hour minimum wage. if the USA is a civilized country, then people who work should at least be able to afford housing and medical insurance. but "progressives" motive is suspicious, because they couldn't care less about humanity.
Minimum wage should be $0. Corporations get taxpayer subsidies by supplementing worker low pay with welfare benefits.
What's the difference between minimum wage and price controls? There isn't any. Price controls is a key feature of communism/socialism
"globalists" and federal z.o.g. parasites are causing economic problems. > $1 trillion of taxes has been spent on the "greater israel project" / wars for israel. https://www.globalresearch.ca/greater-israel-the-zionist-plan-for-the-middle-east/5324815 also, $ trillions have been stolen by zionists such dov zakheim, a rabbi who "lost" 2.3 trillion tax $. since the 20th century, the cost of living has increased a lot. but earnings haven't.
(post is archived)