Find a local butcher, make friends with farmers/ranchers. Some "covid" laws made it so farmers/ranchers can sell direct to public which has basically been off limits for decades.
Get a few friends and a deep freeze (for each of you) and go in on a buy (or a few, different animals, pork, beef, etc) together if you have the space and $$.
I don't know what the prices are right now but one year I was able to get a 1/4 cow with every damn cut you could want for $3.50/lb. That included basically every cut. If you can spend the up-front cost is a lot lower and if you have a deepfreeze the meat will not get freezer burned and last.. You can have good meat for a year. Easily. Get friends to go in on a buy so you all get the bulk lower cost. It is worth it.
If you live near me I would consider going in on a buy. I might need a new freezer though. this one is starting to feel small.
(post is archived)