Make $50B in profit, pay $3B fine. Repeat.
Weellls Fargo wagon comin’ Gonna take your money and give it to the drug caarrtel
WF gets caught every few years jacking off in their customers’ bank accounts.
Let’s jack off with stupid fucking fees instead of doing our fucking jobs as bankers and actually making money investing our own money
These (((retarded faggots))) are too fucking stupid to hide their incompetence.
I can't (can) believe that they haven't been dissolved for incompetency
jews don’t take each other out, they just spread the money around
They are extremely competent in taking their customers money.
an insider told me they "lose" $1B/day in fraud. its a complete sham built on fake money and idiosyncratic customers
1/6th of 1 years income.
wrongfully repossessed vehicles
That requires the police too. Where is the punishment there?
(post is archived)