The City of London’s Economist magazine itself has now weighed in. The first sentence of its Oct. 4 piece headlined “Groaning: Financial Markets Are in Trouble. Where Will the Cracks Appear?” is: “It is hard not to feel a sense of foreboding.” They continue: “The world is entering a new phase,”
We're not "entering a new phase," we're being pushed off the edge of a cliff deliberately by a small number of very wealthy and very powerful men.
Correct. And here's why. We've been brainwashed into believing the government is run using our tax money. Indirectly, that is true. It started in 1913 with the federal reserve act. Nixon did a lot of damage in 1971 by taking us off the gold standard. He merely accelerated the initial destruction. Now there is no money borrowing, only currency creation. The government has an agreement with the banking cartel and currency is simply created. As citizens, we are taxed simply to keep us poor. The government steals our wealth by creating unlimited amounts of fake currency. Indirectly, we're funding our own deaths as governments all over the world flood economies with fake currency and then use it to poison us.
Don't forget Bill Clinton repealed glass-steagall.
So, rather than give up their oligarchic system, as has often also happened in history, today’s financial oligarchy—the interests grouped around the British Monarchy and King Charles—are all-in on a high-risk gamble that their control can be saved through global war, “democratic” dictatorship, and mass starvation.
So, rather than jews give up their jewish, nepotism based, loxist system, as has often also happened in history, today’s jews are all-in on a decades old plan cemented over a century ago to further their hold on the entire globe from the labor of White men through use of jew started brother wars, (((democracy))), totalitarian control, genocide of Whites through forced mRNA bio-weapons among many many many other things and mass starvation.
the interests grouped around the British Monarchy and King Charles
Come the fuck on. You just had to push jewish propaganda? He's talking about the US, not the British crown which has given up it's Oligarchic rule long ago to a jew ran (((democratic))) government. So why are you pushing otherwise?
(post is archived)