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[–] 15 pts

Where's the kikes on this graph?

[–] 14 pts

Notice they are always missing on world's wealthiest lists?

[–] 7 pts

Jews aren't on the graph, but I'd expect them to be #1 by a substantial margin.

[–] 7 pts

The top bracket are all immigrants. Most legal immigrants come with either the drive to propell their own kids into upward social mobility, or they arrive post college themselves to work in business, tech or professional fields. It's very skewed.

[–] 3 pts

Bingo. It's as if it's not "muy racism" oppressing people so much as the % of lazy retards in any given demographic.

[+] [deleted] 3 pts
[–] 0 pt

Yea the whole "American's aren't smart enough" is horse shit. Regardless of how you feel about either of them, Eric Weinstein was on the jre podcast recently and discussed how the national academy of sciences manipulated data in the 90s to decrease the "cost of American scientists".

I read that as- most legal immigrants come to america and have a better skill set than an average american and/or push their kids to attain a skill set that will provide for them better than an average american? That seems more like a problem with an average american than the chart being skewed. I'm sorry if I'm not understanding you correctly.

[–] 0 pt (edited )

Then the solution would be for 80% of Americans to have a college degree and then theoretically they would be at the top of the list. It's skewed because its comparing recent immigrants to the rest of the population and the recently immigrated have higher levels of college. It's not like in india 70% of the pop has a bachelor's.

Well what's stopping them than? Even without college you can still probably outcompete the japanese for the number 5 spot with a trade skill.

[–] 0 pt

It should be noted there is preferential hirings. Go to Mountain View California, and you'll think you are in Bombay.

they also pop on the scene with a fresh credit record, that makes a huge difference

most americans by that age are already under the bank

[–] 2 pts

Korean-Americans are more likely to be self-employed or work for family-owned businesses. As such, they pay lower taxes and often engage in off-the-books transactions to boot. Their lower average household income, therefore, nets higher than White Americans.

[–] 2 pts

anyone who claims White people have privilege is a racist and an idiot. We opened our doors to a bunch of cavemen and archaic morons because of jews.

[–] 1 pt

How are Filipinos doing so well in the US? They’re just nurses here. And Pakis too - they’re poor as fuck in the U.K., how are they outperforming Europeans in the US?

[–] 5 pts

Household income. Fifteen adult pajeets working and taking welfare vs a white family – husband and wife working, no welfare.

[–] 4 pts (edited )

This 100%.

Anyone who's worked as any kind of contractor knows those top groups house 3 sometimes 4 generations in one house.

Meanwhile if a white man lives at home past ~22 he's viewed as on his way to loserville.

[–] 0 pt

So how are Mexicans not benefiting from this mechanic? Ik they work under the table mostly, but they are almost all on welfare, and always have shitloads living in one house.

[–] 0 pt

Self-selection most likely. It's not "All Filipinos" or "All Pakistanis". It's the most highly educated, high IQ subset of that population that moved to the USA. Note the degree rate - it's basically the cream of the crop.

[–] 0 pt (edited )

They are also going into medical field where the jobs pay better.

[–] 0 pt

Crime and handouts is usually the answer. Those groups are notorious for defrauding America.

[–] 1 pt

Even the spics are better of than niggers, probably because some of them are willing to work hard.

no degree and I'm in top 3

GED, didn't even attend 9th grade

I'm white.

Computers, they're the future and stuff. (lern 2 k0de)

[–] 1 pt

Lol. Convenient that jews aren't their own ethnicity in this chart and are diluting the truth about white Americans median income. This chart was most definitely made by a God damn jew.

[–] 0 pt

Why do African Americans always perform at the bottom. Is that the case in other countries?

[–] 2 pts

Median Black IQ in the USA: 82-85 (i.e. half are smarter, half dumber).

In Africa, between 59 at the low end and 84 at the high end.


IQ 80 was the cutoff for clinical retardation until lefties whined that science was rayciss and moved it to 70. For perspective, that means that 78% of Equatorial Guinea's population is retarded by the new standard, and 86% by the old standard. To the shock of no one, the median income is <$1000/yr.

[–] 0 pt

Sure that top number is not refering to american indians who have huge casino business ?

[–] 0 pt

While a tiny % have profitable casinos, most are dirt poor, domestic violence-inclined alcoholics.

Divorce since they are sued for 1/2 their shit like Bill Burr said of gold digging whores.

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