Nothing of value is lost.
A great purge is coming...yay!
In the last writer's strike they purged all White writers and replaced them with kikes. You can see the direct decline happening around 2008-2009 after which pretty much every major movie was unwatchable dogshit so bad it wasn't even worth pirating (with the rare exception of course).
They'll probably double down, so expect movies to get even more retarded and full of kike wokeshit degeneracy than they already are.
I support the Guilds' bold move to end all visual entertainment production in America until their demands are met. They shouldn't compromise one iota on anything and should stay on strike as long as it takes, for years if necessary. Talentless propagandists and godless marxists should never be forced to labor under the present conditions. Stay strong, cockroaches.
(post is archived)