Mark your posts/comments as NSFW when required. (check the ToS)
Mark your posts/comments as NSFW when required. (check the ToS)
I don't see a button to mark it nsfw? I wrote NSFW, I'm not sure what else I have to do? Am I supposed to have a [](spoiler? #spoiler
That’s because I already tagged it as such.
Any comments you’ll make will have a [NSFW] button to mark them as such in posts that are SFW
That’s because I already tagged it as such.
Any comments you’ll make will have a [NSFW] button to mark them as such in posts that are SFW
Anyway to mark it in a message? Say I checked my mail and you made a comment to me and I wanted to include a NSFW comment. Now I would reply in the mail and then have to goto the post and mark it NSFW. Kinda a pain in the ass. I wouldn't even mind having all my posts marked as NSFW.
Is there a way I can see only NSFW postings so I don't need to deal with the more stringent rules? Now I see the NSFW button but why is it after you post that it shows up?
so I don't need to deal with the more stringent rules?
> so I don't need to deal with the more stringent rules?
(post is archived)