The fact that we've all heard horror stories about those drugs tells me something. Too many people are out to just plain "get high." What about microdosing? Any studies done on that? Probably not, least not honest studies. (Anytime you see the phrase "a study was done on x thing," look to see who paid for the outcome.
I believe we've been kneecapped and that was done on purpose. Mean to tell me that micro doses aren't beneficial? Doubt it. I think a few of these naturally occurring "drugs" could do some good for some people. And that's part of the problem, too. Big pharma kike doesn't get his cut once people figure out they can just go outside and plant things that will handle their depression, let's just say. Things of this nature.
I have seen some studies on micro and a lot of them are related to PTSD for vet's. Either way I figure it probably still is a major "brain change" to knock you out of that. I support that research and hope it can help our vet's. I just have no interest in taking any of that myself even if there is a chance that it could help me somehow.
The brain change part is news to me. Loosely recall something about ketamine for vets (or possibly another group) being studied, but idr much about it. I'd really like to see PTSD (the whole population, not just vets) and depression delt with, permanently. As long as the side affects aren't bad, go for it. Brain change - that would stop any sane man, so I get it