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In the dream I was having (which I can't remember really) I was being pulled by a demon on my left arm, which was pulling me away from doing something. And then I started to come out of the dream fighting for my arm. Half in and out of sleep I had to turn my head to the left and say in a commanding voice to give me back my arm. I actually had a look at it while I was saying it. That was one of the most terrifying fucking things to look at. It had red eyes and it's entire form was a moving black flame cloud. I know AOU had told me that it's some dream state which I can't remember the name of. But that fucker had my arm and I thought it was going to tear it off my body. Also of note my mouth tastes like blood and has a gritty crunch to it. I can only imagine which one of my teeth I almost broke in the middle of this terror that I just experienced.

In the dream I was having (which I can't remember really) I was being pulled by a demon on my left arm, which was pulling me away from doing something. And then I started to come out of the dream fighting for my arm. Half in and out of sleep I had to turn my head to the left and say in a commanding voice to give me back my arm. I actually had a look at it while I was saying it. That was one of the most terrifying fucking things to look at. It had red eyes and it's entire form was a moving black flame cloud. I know AOU had told me that it's some dream state which I can't remember the name of. But that fucker had my arm and I thought it was going to tear it off my body. Also of note my mouth tastes like blood and has a gritty crunch to it. I can only imagine which one of my teeth I almost broke in the middle of this terror that I just experienced.

(post is archived)

[–] 3 pts (edited )

I know AOU had told me that it's some dream state which I can't remember the name of.

Sleep paralysis. The state where your brain is awake, but your body isn't (yet).

Sleep paralysis is a temporary loss of muscle control just after falling asleep or before waking up. Sleep paralysis frequently involves hallucinations (pic8.co) or a feeling of suffocation. No one knows exactly what causes sleep paralysis, but it is linked to sleep disorders and certain mental health conditions

[–] 2 pts

I wonder what the certain mental health conditions are? I remember that I do have a form of sleep apnea. I'm camped out in the desert right now and I am semi dehydrated. It's always a struggle to keep your water levels up out here.

[–] 1 pt

I wonder what the certain mental health conditions are?

If you've had a bad/stressful day, your subconscious is gonna get influenced by what happened during that day.

[–] 1 pt

I did just have to abruptly end a fledgling relationship with a woman who lied to me too much about her life and that pissed me off and I'm also kind of stressed about this trip that I'm going out with my father in a couple weeks. He's in really poor shape and there's a lot of walking involved. They've already said in the brochure that if you can't do these necessary walks they're going to send you home. How embarrassing. I can help out only so much before I'll just have to throw the towel in.

[–] 0 pt

I've had this before. They are not hallucinations and it is not a disorder. Dude got attacked by a demon.

Simple as.

[–] 2 pts

My dream demons usually just remind me about things I need to get done at work.

To be serious though. I've had weird dreams where I'm in a fight but I can't move normally. I'll try to throw a punch and it feels like I'm underwater.

[–] 2 pts

This happens to me often. I simply can't throw a punch in my dreams and I wake up with my heart racing and I'm so annoyed I couldn't hit the idiot I'm encountering.

[–] 1 pt

I got the arm away using voice commands but to stare at that fucking thing I mean it fucking destroyed me.

[+] [deleted] 2 pts
[–] 1 pt

Half in and half out of sleep is literally Hypnagogia.

You're literally having a waking dream, but that doesn't rule out a legitimate insight/vision. What is that you need to do that the demons are keeping you from? (I don't need the answer -- you do.)

[–] 1 pt

I don't know actually I feel like I need to unlock something and I've been fighting it for a long time because I'm afraid to use plant medicine to do it. But I think that's the only way I can do it either that or serious deep amounts of meditation which I can do but it takes a lot out of me. But I have no visions because I'm just not sure how to find them yet.

[–] 1 pt

I think that the answer isn't so complicated that it needs a vision quest. This is more likely something like, "I need to quit this terrible job" or "I need to stop abusing this substance" or "I need to get this business off the ground" and sometimes "I need to embrace Christ."

[–] 1 pt (edited )

I retired 8 and 1/2 years ago. I did just get off some substances that I've been playing around with for about a year. It make me really sad knowing that I have an addictive personality and I think that it's to heal an empty childhood. I did have to pull the plug on a fledging relationship with a woman that turned out to be a weekly negative trickle with her. It really made me wonder how I'm always a sucker for people that mask negative energy. I think that's why I spend a good portion of my time on my own. I'm just tired of trying to navigate humans and their nuances. I mostly take a 'God just knows' approach now. I'm not sure what to believe anymore. Faith is so confusing and I just get so annoyed with the pageantry and rituals of our divine belief systems. Or it could be because of all the mold in my van that I didn't know I had. Which I'm in the process of mitigating now. Someone brought this up as a potential problem yesterday.

[–] 1 pt

Sounds like sleep paralysis. It results from a disrupted sleep schedule.

[–] 0 pt

You know I did take a nap earlier that day because my sleep was screwed up the night before. That could be what it is and I'm trying to figure out my next movement in my camper.

[–] 1 pt

Making a shot in the dark here as far as what it might mean (it could mean something and be sleep paralysis)

The left arm is associated with your heart health. Because discomfort paired with loss of control of it can be a sign of an impending heart attack. My advice to you would be to meditate, fix your posture, and focus on breath control. Gotta increase the amount of oxygen in your body. That should help with that problem.

You might be a fit Aryan Chad and I'm just wasting my breath speculating on the subject, hope that's true!

[–] 1 pt

I hate that name Chad. Used to be one of the coolest names but Chad just reminds me of country club shitheads. But you're right actually I could be having heart problems it's in my family. I actually had a lot of stress last year and I didn't realize it and I want to see the doctor and the nurse said you have stress you need to figure out why and it took 5 months for me to get better and I started to feel the same pains again this year and I realized fuck she's right here's the stress.

[–] 1 pt

when I was a kid, Karen was one of the first names i thought up to name a future baby girl when the time came. I hate what happened to the name, so i feel ya

[–] 1 pt

you are supposed to laugh at demons and mock them mercilessly

[–] 1 pt

That fucker was scary I didn't have any way to fight it other than my voice. I used my I've ever seen dune my Benny Jesuit voice and it let me go fucking weird I know it's not spelled that way Benny Jesuit but you know.

[–] 1 pt

Was there any bruising where the demon was pulling on your arm?

[–] 1 pt

No. If that happened I probably would have moved into a church for the next week.

[–] 0 pt

That's a full blown nightmare. I hate nightmares man.

[–] 1 pt

I had to look at the fucking thing and tell it to let me go it just had the feeling of death and I ain't going to lie it was like looking at the poltergeist dog that was standing in front of the kids door growling at the mom.

[–] 1 pt

Nightmares can be traumatic. I f*ng hate them.