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Last night:

  • Pitch black.
  • Heavy rain.
  • I'm inside of a mummy/sarcophagus style sleeping bag and I'm outdoors hopping around through the mud and rain.
  • I hobble my way a short distance, perhaps ten or so hops, and the ground changes from squishy mud to hard wood, like a bridge.
  • I turn around and go back the way I came, trying to catch a peek of some light from any direction to get my bearings.

  • Surroundings start to become slightly illuminated like extremely early sunrise - just the faintest hint of light.

  • I look around and can barely make out a vague idea of shapes and see that I am standing to the side of a road.

  • I turn around and can make out the little bridge that I ventured onto briefly.

  • I return to the bridge and can see that I had narrowly missed hopping off to the left of it previously, which was a dropoff into a turbulent river.

  • As I stand near to the dropoff and note how close and lucky I was, a gust of strong wind and rain hits me from behind and a quick rush of water around my feet take me from them. I fall on my back.

  • Still in my sleeping bag, I start to slide as the water begins carrying me toward the dropoff to the left of the bridge.

  • I start to inchworm backward and it helps a little, but I decide to roll to my right and the water instead carries me just onto the bridge.

  • I manage to make it to my feet, still wrapped in my sleeping bag, and I begin hopping to the end of the bridge where the road rises into a hill going upward.

  • I hop up the road as it goes up a hill to the top and I see a little plateau before the road continues on again up another hill to the left.

  • Curious what is over the edge of the plateau, I begin hopping through the mud and find that it is several inches deep - I quickly get stuck and fall into the mud.

  • I decide to roll over onto my back and once again start to inchworm to make my way toward the other side and the edge.

  • Mud is splashing up all around me now while heavy rain has started to fall into the upper opening of my sleeping bag.

  • I make it across the muddy area and to the edge of the plateau.

  • I roll over to look down over the edge and I am looking down at a large courtyard about 50 feet below with what looks like a small village built around it that is reminiscent of old country Germany or perhaps France or Italy.

  • The center grounds and outer pathways look covered like cobblestone and there are a few light posts lighting the way around this little area.

  • As I am struck by how incredible this sight is to behold, I begin to hear a barely-audible voice coming from below in the courtyard.

"Angels we have heard on high"

  • I scoot closer onto the edge and try to locate where the voice is coming from.

"Sweetly singing o’er the plains"

  • I see a man standing in the courtyard looking up into the rain with his arms raised upward and out. He is singing.

"And the mountains in reply"

  • I am able to make out details about the man and I can see that, while it is a man, it isn't a living one. I am looking down on a stereotypical zombie standing in the middle of a courtyard in a small village and it has its arms and face raised to the sky...and it is singing.

"Echoing their joyous strains"

  • As I start to try to process what I am seeing and hearing, the singing is taken up by many dozens of other zombies I did not notice who are scattered around the courtyard and up the road to my left.

"Gloooooooooooooooooria" "in excelsis Deo"

  • I look over and a mere ten or so feet from me from behind a bush at the foot of the road as it turns upward is a zombie singing in concert with the other zombies.

  • All of their voices are magnificent, like a chamber choir.

  • The nearby zombie notices me now as I lay on the ground in my sleeping bag covered in mud and looking right at it.

  • All of the singing stops immediately from all of the zombies as this one looks right at me.

  • There is a vague echo of their voices slowly fading off, replaced with silence but for the sound and feel of the splattering rain pounding down on us and the mud.

  • We stare unmoving and in silence at each other for what feels to be maybe thirty seconds.

  • The rain falls.

  • I wake.

- https://yewtu.be/watch?v=7RlMuRYvndU - https://yewtu.be/watch?v=KGCxTOYBy50 Last night: >- Pitch black. >- Heavy rain. >- I'm inside of a mummy/sarcophagus style sleeping bag and I'm outdoors hopping around through the mud and rain. >- I hobble my way a short distance, perhaps ten or so hops, and the ground changes from squishy mud to hard wood, like a bridge. >- I turn around and go back the way I came, trying to catch a peek of some light from any direction to get my bearings. > >- Surroundings start to become slightly illuminated like extremely early sunrise - just the faintest hint of light. >- I look around and can barely make out a vague idea of shapes and see that I am standing to the side of a road. >- I turn around and can make out the little bridge that I ventured onto briefly. >- I return to the bridge and can see that I had narrowly missed hopping off to the left of it previously, which was a dropoff into a turbulent river. > >- As I stand near to the dropoff and note how close and lucky I was, a gust of strong wind and rain hits me from behind and a quick rush of water around my feet take me from them. I fall on my back. >- Still in my sleeping bag, I start to slide as the water begins carrying me toward the dropoff to the left of the bridge. >- I start to inchworm backward and it helps a little, but I decide to roll to my right and the water instead carries me just onto the bridge. > >- I manage to make it to my feet, still wrapped in my sleeping bag, and I begin hopping to the end of the bridge where the road rises into a hill going upward. >- I hop up the road as it goes up a hill to the top and I see a little plateau before the road continues on again up another hill to the left. > >- Curious what is over the edge of the plateau, I begin hopping through the mud and find that it is several inches deep - I quickly get stuck and fall into the mud. >- I decide to roll over onto my back and once again start to inchworm to make my way toward the other side and the edge. >- Mud is splashing up all around me now while heavy rain has started to fall into the upper opening of my sleeping bag. > >- I make it across the muddy area and to the edge of the plateau. >- I roll over to look down over the edge and I am looking down at a large courtyard about 50 feet below with what looks like a small village built around it that is reminiscent of old country Germany or perhaps France or Italy. >- The center grounds and outer pathways look covered like cobblestone and there are a few light posts lighting the way around this little area. > >- As I am struck by how incredible this sight is to behold, I begin to hear a barely-audible voice coming from below in the courtyard. > >>"*Angels we have heard on high*" > >- I scoot closer onto the edge and try to locate where the voice is coming from. > >>"*Sweetly singing o’er the plains*" > >- I see a man standing in the courtyard looking up into the rain with his arms raised upward and out. He is singing. > >>"*And the mountains in reply*" > >- I am able to make out details about the man and I can see that, while it is a man, it isn't a living one. I am looking down on a stereotypical zombie standing in the middle of a courtyard in a small village and it has its arms and face raised to the sky...and it is singing. > >>"*Echoing their joyous strains*" > >- As I start to try to process what I am seeing and hearing, the singing is taken up by many dozens of other zombies I did not notice who are scattered around the courtyard and up the road to my left. > >>"***Gloooooooooooooooooria***" >>"***in excelsis Deo***" > >- I look over and a mere ten or so feet from me from behind a bush at the foot of the road as it turns upward is a zombie singing in concert with the other zombies. > >- All of their voices are magnificent, like a chamber choir. > >- The nearby zombie notices me now as I lay on the ground in my sleeping bag covered in mud and looking right at it. > >- All of the singing stops immediately from all of the zombies as this one looks right at me. > >- There is a vague echo of their voices slowly fading off, replaced with silence but for the sound and feel of the splattering rain pounding down on us and the mud. > >- We stare unmoving and in silence at each other for what feels to be maybe thirty seconds. > >- The rain falls. > >- I wake.

(post is archived)

[–] 0 pt

After reflecting on the dream from various viewpoints, I've settled on a mostly literal -as described/as it occurred- interpretation. It left me feeling a bit uplifted and hopeful.

After everything gets really bad and the world is at its darkest, we will still overcome, endure and fight on. Those who are currently enemies to our people and who manage to still exist at this later time in the battle, will finally wake up and see the light; see how they should be our allies in the fight for survival; and need guidance and instructions and will follow our lead.

Where I say 'I', I interpret it as 'we' meaning all of us collectively fighting to survive in this world against kikes.

  • Artificially handicapped and constricted from functioning freely, but I was still able to barely manage navigating a dark world as best I was able.
  • Stayed on the road even while surrounded by darkness, but turned and went back just before crossing due to uncertainty and second-guessing my instincts.
  • As the world became illuminated through exploring and understanding, I saw how close I came to falling over the edge of no return.
  • Then narrowly avoided being forcefully swept into the river of insanity, but by quick application of skills I learned, quick thinking and a desire to stay clear of that fate, I managed to get out of the current and back onto the road.
  • I made my way and struggled uphill while still being artificially handicapped and unable to function properly or proceed freely.
  • Managed to reach the halfway point with the rest of the uphill journey yet to be traversed, but found myself hindered due to now reaching a lake of brown mud that must first be overcome.
  • Applied skills again to make it through the lake of filth as it tried to smother and overtake me, while simultaneously fighting to avoid being drowned from the constant onslaught of that which had uncoincidentally also been what turned the harmless dirt into dangerous mud in the first place.
  • Tired and worn out, I manage to overcome that obstacle and begin to take in the surroundings, only to see yet another danger present in this dark world standing amid the beautiful civilization constructed by my people.
  • At first wary of the NPCs/zombies, I see that they have now finally seen the light. It took the world becoming its darkest for them to wake up to reality.
  • The NPCs/zombies that managed to survive to this point did so due to finally waking up to reality. Most fell and were swept away, buried by the mud, or drowned in the unending torrent beaten down on us. But some are awake now, but still unsure. They await instructions and seek guidance from me (us) on how to proceed from this point on and will be an ally on the rest of the journey uphill.