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I dream a lot. I hate it. It's so beautiful, confusing and often terrifying.
Many of my dreams are based on emotions. Wonder, fear, discontent, joy. Many are challenges to my own beliefs. In dreams I might be untrustworthy, arrogant or even violent. This happens often when I realize I'm dreaming. My actions then are to disrupt the set of the dream in order to wake up. I feel like a prisoner of my own imagination.
I could go on, but mostly wanted to say a good night's sleep is usually when I don't remember my dreams, even though they are so fascinating that I'll remember them for weeks sometimes.

I dream a lot. I hate it. It's so beautiful, confusing and often terrifying. Many of my dreams are based on emotions. Wonder, fear, discontent, joy. Many are challenges to my own beliefs. In dreams I might be untrustworthy, arrogant or even violent. This happens often when I realize I'm dreaming. My actions then are to disrupt the set of the dream in order to wake up. I feel like a prisoner of my own imagination. I could go on, but mostly wanted to say a good night's sleep is usually when I don't remember my dreams, even though they are so fascinating that I'll remember them for weeks sometimes.

(post is archived)

[–] 1 pt (edited )

When I was little, I used to have the same recurring nightmare. I was trapped in an underground labyrinth beneath a huge, old farmhouse. The entrance was an old cellar door and the first passages were reasonably large and well lit. The first time I went in, the cellar door blew shut behind me and locked. My parents couldn't open it and they told me I must search for another exit. The further in / deeper you went the narrower, darker, and more decrepit it got. Eventually it was no longer constructed rooms but tunnels hollowed out of the earth and rock.

I would "wake" into the dream at different places in the labyrinth and wander for hours. Sometimes I'd find my way to passages that went back to the surface and I could see my father in the yard through a daylight basement window of sorts. But that wasn't the right passage to the exit and I was still trapped. He would hold my hands through the barred window and pray with me before I turned around and went back into the maze. I would eventually wake up when I finally laid down on the floor of the maze and "slept".

I remember knowing that there were evil things deep in the labyrinth and occasionally they would pursue me but I don't remember if I ever encountered them directly. I don't remember if I ever found my way out of the maze but the last time I dreamed the dream, I was steeling myself to keep wandering in the dark and I was reciting to myself the passage my mom would read to me when I woke up from a nightmare. "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” I would repeat that to myself endlessly while I wandered the labyrinth.

And suddenly the whole top was lifted off the labyrinth and it shrunk away to tiny little channels beneath my feet. And I stood there in the farmyard for a moment before I woke up from that nightmare for the last time. It's been over 20 years and I haven't been back there.

Then, for many years I would dream I was being murdered. Either shot or stabbed. I could feel the cramping, searing pain each time. I would try to fight back but I was moving in slow motion and struck with the weight of a leaf. I tried fleeing for a while but I would always be found. Any weapons I had would turn into toys, my teeth would be breaking out and my nails shearing off while I tried to fight back.

Eventually, in one of those dreams, I screamed to God for strength and beat all my attackers to death with my hands. I've had that dream again since but now I fight with force and my weapons are real and deadly. Sometimes I still get killed but I always take many with me. And sometimes I win.

[–] 1 pt

I would "wake" into the dream at different places in the labyrinth and wander for hours

I know this feeling. It's like I'm trying to tell a story, and if I get it wrong, the dream 'resets', often into a different stage, but sometimes a loop of repeated attempts that all build on the narrative of the prior attempts.
Sometimes in dreams set inside, I'll pass through doors or windows only to reappear somewhere I've already been, and I'll have to find a new way out in order to progress.
Almost like a maze of thoughts. It's like a live tour of your neural network.