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The setting was in the house I grew up in but it was also different. Instead of white walls everything was drab and darker. Like it had aged and no one kept the upkeep. Myself and a group of maybe seven others were trapped in my house avoiding a huge flying lion. The thing was magnificent. Beautiful and golden and deadly. I never heard it roar in my dream but the growl was both unnerving and calming. Like it was a spell.

A few people go outside and quickly get gobbled up by the lion and he makes his way inside. I lead the remaining group down to the basement where we hide inside a massive antique wooden crib. The lion doesn't see us but we're worried he might. So we figure out we should hide inside Mario bros 3. Inside the video game. It was odd. We hide in the clouds for some stupid reason because the lion can fly and found his way inside the game and attacked us.

Back in the basement I find a false wall and barricade the entrance. It's fully furnished and has a tv which we casually start watching. But the light leaks out of the room and the lion notices and attacks again. Killing and tearing and when he gets to me I wake up.

The setting was in the house I grew up in but it was also different. Instead of white walls everything was drab and darker. Like it had aged and no one kept the upkeep. Myself and a group of maybe seven others were trapped in my house avoiding a huge flying lion. The thing was magnificent. Beautiful and golden and deadly. I never heard it roar in my dream but the growl was both unnerving and calming. Like it was a spell. A few people go outside and quickly get gobbled up by the lion and he makes his way inside. I lead the remaining group down to the basement where we hide inside a massive antique wooden crib. The lion doesn't see us but we're worried he might. So we figure out we should hide inside Mario bros 3. Inside the video game. It was odd. We hide in the clouds for some stupid reason because the lion can fly and found his way inside the game and attacked us. Back in the basement I find a false wall and barricade the entrance. It's fully furnished and has a tv which we casually start watching. But the light leaks out of the room and the lion notices and attacks again. Killing and tearing and when he gets to me I wake up.

(post is archived)

Yeah, neat. I'm usually having strange dreams like this. When I remember dreams, anyway. My favorite are when I'm part of a siege unit and fucking kill dozens of people.