If you want to really interpret your dream I can show you how. You have to go Jungian (Ignore Frued who probably just stole Jung's work) here's how it goes:
- Remove the emotion
- Look at the Symbols
- Define each Symbol as an archetype for what it represents in your psyche
So I can offer an interpretation, but it's better if you learn how to translate what your subconscious is telling you yourself (teach a man to fish.) Here's the site I used: https://www.dreambible.com/search.php?q=travel
Traveling= To dream of traveling represents steady progress towards goals. Knowing what you want or where you are headed as you work towards it.
Energy/gem/=to dream of a gemstone represents something about yourself or your life that you treasure or value deeply and don't want to lose. Family=To dream of a family gathering represents an important decision that you may be considering. Weighing all options
Family Home=To dream of being at home represents familiarity, security, or normalcy. Being comfortable with the way things are or being used to the way things are. A chaotic situation may have come to an end. Gun= To dream of a gunman represents feelings about yourself or someone else with the power to make a very serious change. to dream of a gun represents a serious decision with cancelling power. Choices to stop or ruin something with a single action. Choices made by you or for you with powerful consequences. Angry choices or reactions. Confrontational choices. Defensive choices. The power to control decisions. Assertive power to compel or force behavior.
So, you literally go to a Dream dictionary, can be as simple as: http://www.dreammoods.com/ IGNORE THE EMOTIONS look at the symbols (these are your subconscious archetypes communicating with you, the emotion is just how your subconscious grabs your attention. You wouldn't remember the dream if it hadn't would you?)
I would conclude from interpreting in this manner, that you are possibly an individual that allows his family a lot of power over your life, you care about what your family thinks, you give them a lot of power over you and you are subconsciously concerned about their approval as you try to "travel" toward new vistas or invite new energy in your life.
Flashback to ap psych lol. Have you ever thought dreams are just dreams sometimes? With no greater meaning that your brain just exciting itself?
(post is archived)