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I really don't care about this weird upvote boycot against me. but

I don't understand who gets off on this. I say something and get banned from places? What is this facebook? Who gave these baby tyrants power? I don't understand how anyone can be that much of a faggot.

Come to think of it I actually heard that someone called AT sucks dicks.

But in any case, wtf? Is this place about free speech or is it cliques? Something needs to happen about this, or what?

I really don't care about this weird upvote boycot against me. but I don't understand who gets off on this. I say something and get banned from places? What is this facebook? Who gave these baby tyrants power? I don't understand how anyone can be that much of a faggot. Come to think of it I actually heard that someone called AT sucks dicks. But in any case, wtf? Is this place about free speech or is it cliques? Something needs to happen about this, or what?

(post is archived)

[–] 3 pts

I've repeated this many times. Giving the internet to the unwashed was a very stupid idea. Things like Facebook and X's very existence make society a far worse place to live. 95% of the human race are mindless followers supporting the current thing. China, Russia, and other countries don't ban the West's internet platforms because of "free speech". They do it because they know degeneracy and other sick shit are treated as normal. We are probably 18 months away from legalized pedophilia in the US. Take a guess what happens in Russia if you are caught diddlying a kid. Try being a fag in Russia. Or China. Or in most of Asia or Africa. Countries outside "western civilization" have little to no tolerance for LGBTQFFUCKYOU1488++--- or raping children.

Part of me is still amazed Chris Hanson and groups hunting down pedos online haven't been canceled for "hate" against pedos.

[–] 1 pt

Thank you and this is what I've suspected all along.

[–] 1 pt

I used to fuck around on twatter and at one point had 35 accounts at the same time. After a while it wears you down because what you're really doing is trolling leftists and not making any meaningful impact or changing anyone's mind. Fuckertardkikebook is the same way. After a while it becomes pointless.

In a couple of years, it'll be all AI moderated and when you post "nigger" on X it notifies your employer, your friends, etc.

[–] 1 pt

This is so true man. You're really talking to the heart of my essence.

[–] 0 pt

Take a guess what happens in Russia if you are caught diddlying a kid.

Protected species in Russia, research Tesak.

[–] 0 pt

Tesak was an admitted nazi, which causes a whole new set of problems for someone who does that. The smart ones now call themselves Russian Nationalists.

[–] 1 pt

I haven't been banned that I know of.

But I have noticed, the clique aspect of your post.

It seems there is another site within this site, where the mods play, have inside jokes, and other such things.

I figure it is just a matter of time before we are dealing with uptight power mods, bannings, just like every other "free speech" site does before the inevitable shut down.

[–] 1 pt (edited )

poal is a free speech platform, but people who run sub poals are dictators. AOU allows you to have full control of your subpoal as long as you follow the TOS. ( Sometimes thats not fair because people land really cool subpoals but have subpar IQ and sensitive feelings. ) The only time thats not strictly true is when someone opens a sub poal with the word Poal in it, you have to run it by AOU before he approves.

It sucks, but it is what it is. I think more free speech is allowed here than anywhere else on the web. All the subjects you wanna discuss, you can still discuss, just not in their subpoal. I think its kinda funny people have enough power to block people they dont like from their subpoal. Don't worry, unless you start spamming while also being very depressing and annoying, I wont ban you from any of my subpoals.

Not impressed whether or not i ban you or not from my sub poals? Nothing of value has been lost or gained? Then you should feel similarly about being blocked from other peoples sub poals, unless you have a real hard on for posting there.

I assume you're mad about being blocked from someones subpoal, sounds like what the post is about

[–] 1 pt

excellent thoughtfulness almost makes me want to take back my argumentative responses I made when I was blind drunk.

[–] 0 pt

I did'nt realize you were drunk, I thought you were a reincarnation of a troll who used to stalk me until I annoyed him to death and he left me alone. He has since deleted his account but i assumed he made another to lurk around with

[–] 0 pt

Terrible, I've noticed this too.

Turns out that when you act like a retarded jew people just don't want you around, so unfair!

[–] 0 pt (edited )

Oh actually I wasn't asking you, sorry.

Please leave your comment in the suggestion box in the corner which is reserved for pedophiles .

[–] 0 pt


Please expose me as a pedophile for everyone to see, when you can make such retarded claims.

[–] 0 pt

ew go away