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This is a rant I wrote way too late at night in response to a post @22doglegwarrior, fixed and organized into one pasta.

What do you say if someone calls you an antisemite?

You say "how many Romanians were killed in ww2? How many gypsies? Polish? How many AMERICANS died in ww2?"

They will answer idk.

Once they do ask "how many Jews died in ww2?" They will say "6 million".

Then ask "why do you know that number, but not the others?" And before they answer continue by saying

"If Hitler had wanted to exterminate the jews, why did he spend millions of dollars and man hour rounding them up and putting them on trains and moving them around? Why wouldn't he have just shot them? Or stopped the train inside a tunnel and let them all suffocate from the exhaust? Why were there no bodies found at treblinka or aushwitz? Why do the supposed gas chambers have wooden doors with 4 inch gaps at the bottom and handles on the inside? Why were ALL the death camps only on the soviet side of Germany after the split, and Why was no one ever allowed to examine them until after the fall of the soviet union, which, by the way, was started by the bolshevik revolution, which was a Jewish revolution. Why was the 6 million jews number printed in 1918 as well after ww1? Why go through all that trouble unless your plan wasn't to kill them, but to expel them from europe? The German people were under the Weimar republic, a leftist JEWISH led government that was bolstered by the bolsheviks in Russia. They watched as their neighbors were starved to death and destroyed by their own leaders. The holodomor killed over 100 million people but you don't hear about that because it was perpetrated by jews. They watched that, and then saw it happening in their own homeland in real time. Fascism was a response to bolshevik jew destruction. It was to protect their nation and their people, and to create a European state that wasn't controlled by a foreign invader. There were no death camps. There were no gas chambers. And there was no holocaust. It is a lie told to you by the Victor. Our media is owned by 6 families, all Jewish. 70% of our financial systems are controlled by jews. 60% of our elected officials are Jewish. 40% of all American billionaires are Jewish. ALL of Blackrocks board is Jewish. ALL of vanguards board is Jewish. The Rothschild and the Rockefeller, all zionist jews. Yet Jewish people make up less than 2% of our population. We are an occupied nation, and have been for 100 years. I'm not an antisemite. These are FACTS. The holocaust is the ONLY historical event that is ILLEGAL to question. If it was real Why would they need to throw you in jail for questioning it? You have been lied to your entire life, and it's not your fault. They control every outlet of information and stifle the truth so you never question them, but the second you actually step back from the propaganda you've been fed and ask these simple questions it all falls apart. It couldn't have happened. It is a lie. Don't be their pawn."

And then breathe and walk away or wait for a response.

if they respond(don't let them respond while you're talking until you're done. Don't pause and let them disrupt you), the only thing they will respond to is the "bodies" so they will say "well they burned the bodies" to which you say

" for them to have burned 6 million bodies, even if they could've burned 100 bodies an hour, EVERY HOUR 24/7, and they started murdering jews the minute ww2 started, would've taken 7 years. All of the "ovens" they found used coal. It would've taken literal MOUNTAINS of coal and coke to burn those bodies, yet NO piles of coal are in any of the aerial photos we have from surveillance planes during the war. Ever. So how did they keep them burning? And speaking of exterminating jews, how do we have so many survivors? We have stories of people giving birth on the way to the gas chamber and that NEWBORN BABY somehow being saved but their parents died? Why wouldn't they toss that baby in too, or smash it's head in? Why would they move people from one DEATH CAMP to another? What's the point? How bad were the nazis at their job if they had an entire city built just to kill jews and they couldn't do it? The stories are crazy! Death rollercoasters! Masturbation machines! Curving shotgun barrels! Just stop and think for one second and tell me any of it is possible much less believable. This efficiency oriented massive war machine fighting wars on two fronts decided to spend countless man hours and resources building whacky machines just to torture jews, and were having so much fun they would ship them to each other and trade jews like Pokémon cards? One lady said she survived EIGHT death camps. Eight. And people just believe and don't question because that's what they've been told to do since birth and that's EXACTLY what they want. They want you to believe anything they say without question so they can do anything they want without reprisal. I am not antisemite. I am pro-truth, and I am very much so against people being brainwashed into believing this nonsense."

This is a rant I wrote way too late at night in response to a post @22doglegwarrior, fixed and organized into one pasta. What do you say if someone calls you an antisemite? You say "how many Romanians were killed in ww2? How many gypsies? Polish? How many AMERICANS died in ww2?" They will answer idk. Once they do ask "how many Jews died in ww2?" They will say "6 million". Then ask "why do you know that number, but not the others?" And before they answer continue by saying "If Hitler had wanted to exterminate the jews, why did he spend millions of dollars and man hour rounding them up and putting them on trains and moving them around? Why wouldn't he have just shot them? Or stopped the train inside a tunnel and let them all suffocate from the exhaust? Why were there no bodies found at treblinka or aushwitz? Why do the supposed gas chambers have wooden doors with 4 inch gaps at the bottom and handles on the inside? Why were ALL the death camps only on the soviet side of Germany after the split, and Why was no one ever allowed to examine them until after the fall of the soviet union, which, by the way, was started by the bolshevik revolution, which was a Jewish revolution. Why was the 6 million jews number printed in 1918 as well after ww1? Why go through all that trouble unless your plan wasn't to kill them, but to expel them from europe? The German people were under the Weimar republic, a leftist JEWISH led government that was bolstered by the bolsheviks in Russia. They watched as their neighbors were starved to death and destroyed by their own leaders. The holodomor killed over 100 million people but you don't hear about that because it was perpetrated by jews. They watched that, and then saw it happening in their own homeland in real time. Fascism was a response to bolshevik jew destruction. It was to protect their nation and their people, and to create a European state that wasn't controlled by a foreign invader. There were no death camps. There were no gas chambers. And there was no holocaust. It is a lie told to you by the Victor. Our media is owned by 6 families, all Jewish. 70% of our financial systems are controlled by jews. 60% of our elected officials are Jewish. 40% of all American billionaires are Jewish. ALL of Blackrocks board is Jewish. ALL of vanguards board is Jewish. The Rothschild and the Rockefeller, all zionist jews. Yet Jewish people make up less than 2% of our population. We are an occupied nation, and have been for 100 years. I'm not an antisemite. These are FACTS. The holocaust is the ONLY historical event that is ILLEGAL to question. If it was real Why would they need to throw you in jail for questioning it? You have been lied to your entire life, and it's not your fault. They control every outlet of information and stifle the truth so you never question them, but the second you actually step back from the propaganda you've been fed and ask these simple questions it all falls apart. It couldn't have happened. It is a lie. Don't be their pawn." And then breathe and walk away or wait for a response. if they respond(don't let them respond while you're talking until you're done. Don't pause and let them disrupt you), the only thing they will respond to is the "bodies" so they will say "well they burned the bodies" to which you say " for them to have burned 6 million bodies, even if they could've burned 100 bodies an hour, EVERY HOUR 24/7, and they started murdering jews the minute ww2 started, would've taken 7 years. All of the "ovens" they found used coal. It would've taken literal MOUNTAINS of coal and coke to burn those bodies, yet NO piles of coal are in any of the aerial photos we have from surveillance planes during the war. Ever. So how did they keep them burning? And speaking of exterminating jews, how do we have so many survivors? We have stories of people giving birth on the way to the gas chamber and that NEWBORN BABY somehow being saved but their parents died? Why wouldn't they toss that baby in too, or smash it's head in? Why would they move people from one DEATH CAMP to another? What's the point? How bad were the nazis at their job if they had an entire city built just to kill jews and they couldn't do it? The stories are crazy! Death rollercoasters! Masturbation machines! Curving shotgun barrels! Just stop and think for one second and tell me any of it is possible much less believable. This efficiency oriented massive war machine fighting wars on two fronts decided to spend countless man hours and resources building whacky machines just to torture jews, and were having so much fun they would ship them to each other and trade jews like Pokémon cards? One lady said she survived EIGHT death camps. Eight. And people just believe and don't question because that's what they've been told to do since birth and that's EXACTLY what they want. They want you to believe anything they say without question so they can do anything they want without reprisal. I am not antisemite. I am pro-truth, and I am very much so against people being brainwashed into believing this nonsense."

(post is archived)

Ahh. You've been quiet so I figured you must have had to run the store for another month's worth of provisions-ready to eat before you chained yourself to your keyboard again.

[–] 2 pts

I’m on mobile. The office is closed 😉