Offensive to whom? Those that have no control over their emotions? They need to grow up and get a life.
Then I am offensive.
How dare you use masculine terms to identify yourself? This is offensive to my dysphoria.
That's your business, but I identify as offensive and you need to be more tolerant.
Nice one 👍
I'm a multiple system with 32 headmates and your use of the word "my" is extremely problematic and triggering.
Well folks, its happened. I'm old and nothing makes sense anymore.
WTF is "afab?"
All fags are bastards?
"Assigned female at birth". I hate that I know that. I want off this ride
I guess 'a fabulous offspring'?
I want an asteroid.
That sounds gender neutral, well done!
You may proceed to give birth to a giant space rock.
Any time a faggot makes a comment about their faggotry in a bid to make you change, all you have to say is "Your mental illness isn't my problem" and then promptly ignore them.
I wonder what the original post was. What is so awesome that she's sharing it with her daughter? Probably something about trannies I assume
I don't understand the final comment. Is he being sarcastic, ironic, serious...?
I saw it as serious, bending over to the rainbow mafia
(post is archived)