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This is going to be tough. Not a day goes by that I don't think about her but reopening those feelings of loss and sadness from how she died is going to be not where I want to be at all. I cried all my tears and felt all the pain and I hope people don't drag me back to her final day.

This is going to be tough. Not a day goes by that I don't think about her but reopening those feelings of loss and sadness from how she died is going to be not where I want to be at all. I cried all my tears and felt all the pain and I hope people don't drag me back to her final day.

(post is archived)

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Cool, glad it went well. Say’n goodbye to a parent is indeed a surreal experience and yet oddly it’s like a new beginning of sorts.

Speak’n of, is there a new adventure for Papatooth and PapaPapatooth on the horizon?

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I Have some trips planned with my father in the fall which will take us to just shy of Christmas this is all counting on everything going well in the world and it not being on fire. That should be a good experiences for us. Me, I'm just going to go north to get out of the heat. Being in New England in the summer is pretty awful so I'm going to go run up to Canada again and pay some trudie trudeau tax, but it sure beats sweltering in the awful humidity. I also have to figure out what to do for my 50th. Part of me wants to do something but part of me also doesn't really give a flying shit. It is a milestone but I'm not sure if I really care. I mean I do care because I'm glad that I made it this far but I'm not sure I want to. You know have a rager or do something wild because that's not really in my nature anymore. I think just sitting on a shoreline looking at the ocean with peace and quiet in my mind might be what the doctor ordered.

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Wait, what!? You’re not coming to Arizona to enjoy some of this wonderful dry heat? Lol, wish I could head to Canada!

Being a witness to two negro chimpouts in less than a weeks time I share in your concern about where the world might be come fall. Seems to just get crazier every day. With the elections hot and heavy around then anything can happen this go ‘round. Hopefully your plans with the old man will go on unfettered by it all.

While it is a milestone my fiftieth passed by without a peep bein’ snow bound all alone in a log cabin in Virginia so I missed out on any sort of celebration. Hard to believe that was nearly twenty years ago now and harder to believe how much the world and myself have changed in that time. While I hadn’t given mine any real thought other than a good steak dinner beforehand, I’m sure you’ll find what’s right to mark your big five O. Weather permitting of course! ; )