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[–] 10 pts

As someone whose life was ruining by the side effects of Cipro, this is more evidence that the elites get one set of medications and all the rest of us are subject to poison or experimentation. Somehow this elderly person with a heart condition could take Cipro, but me as a healthy twenty year old was completely destroyed by it. The medical industry has been harming us for profit long before the covid hoax ever started.

[–] 7 pts

Anti-Vax is starting to make a little sense now.

[–] 4 pts

Once you've been harmed by pharma, you start seeing similarities in lots of the other medical protocols. I wish I knew then what I know now. If I can prevent a few people from being harmed like me than maybe all my pain and likely early death isn't complete for nothing.

[–] 5 pts

I will no longer get the flu shot, it was mandatory for me for a long time. Now that I know what I know now, never again.

[–] 0 pt

More like anti-human-experimentation.

[–] 4 pts

I'm sorry to hear you are suffering as a result of medical experimentation.

[–] 2 pts

This class of drugs (fluoroquinolones) has been out since the 70's. They initially said it can't harm human DNA and that any side effects went away after you finished using it. The FDA has now admitted it modifies (adducts) human DNA and the side effects can be life long. These drugs are prescribed 30 million!! times a year in the U.S. The FDA has made no attempts to reduce it's use on things like sinusitis which could be effectively treated with much safer alternatives. This exactly mirrors the current propaganda with the mRNA clot shots. They say it can't change your DNA and they said side effects like clotting and heart swelling are just temporary.

[–] 2 pts

That is an amazing thing to read. Thank you for the warning.

And now deemed safe for 5 to 11 year olds!!

foLlOw tHe sCiEnCe!!

[–] 2 pts

It's also worth noting that some people believe gulf war syndrome is actually just reactions to cipro that many solders were forced to take. The strongest evidence of this fact is that several people who were started taking the meds but didn't deploy to the gulf still came down with gulf war syndrome. There are also a whole group of postal workers with similar symptoms because they were encouraged to take cipro during one of the anthrax-in-the-mail scares that happened.

[–] 0 pt

define completely destroyed

[–] 3 pts

Crippling tendinitis for weeks at a time. Completely fried my liver so now my skin and eyes are yellow all the time.

[–] 2 pts

That doesn't sound like fun

[–] 0 pt

life destroyed

can you elaborate?

[–] 1 pt

I gave a response to a similar question here. The symptom of tendinitis were mild at first and I would initially think I got hurt working out or it was just be getting older. Eventually, severe pain would come and I could remember no possible injury that would account for it. Same with my liver, it just start and blood tests were out of whack. Now you can pretty much look at me and know I'm dying. There are other issues as well. I went from running around with a group of elementary aged kids until they were tired at soccer practice to being too exhausted to walk down the street for weeks on end. Thankfully, I don't believe it's affected my brain yet, but a lot of people with cipro side effects end up with ever increasing "brain fog" like the clot shot.

[–] 1 pt

Interesting. Did not know about that,

I had not heard this part before and would like to confirm. I'm sure the senators and who they said did it is easy enough to look up. Do you have a source on the timing of when Cheney got the antidote?

[–] 1 pt

And don't forget the first "person of interest", Steven Hatfill, they tried to frame. FBI leaked his name to the press, hounded him for a couple of years, destroyed his career and life, and ended up paying him millions when he sued the DOJ.

[–] 0 pt

Remember how it also cleared out the office of the National Enquirer who despite their silly reputation actually dug up real dirt.