Everyone who dies from "spontaneous human combustion" has been near a heat source such as a fireplace or space heater which started smoldering a blanket or clothing. Oddly no one ever spontaneously combusts in summer or in warm climates.
Everyone who dies from "spontaneous human combustion" has been near a heat source such as a fireplace or space heater which started smoldering a blanket or clothing. Oddly no one ever spontaneously combusts in summer or in warm climates.
And the chairs that they're sitting on that are still in great shape?
And the chairs that they're sitting on that are still in great shape?
Yes, human fat and flesh (and clothing) burns as a lower temperature than wood which will be scorched but not burnt. That is why you can grill fish or chicken on cedar planks (bbqguys.com).
Yes, human fat and flesh (and clothing) burns as a lower temperature than wood which will be scorched but not burnt. That is why you can [grill fish or chicken on cedar planks](https://www.bbqguys.com/weber/17302-firespice-cedar-wood-planks-2-pieces?utm_source=google&utm_medium=paid&utm_campaign=1558034804&utm_content=396774082997&utm_term=2934200&species=shopping-ad&campaignid=1558034804&adgroupid=83179606509&creative=396774082997&targetid=pla-1477602092629&network=g&device=c&adtype=pla&productchannel=online&productid=2934200&productpartitionid=1477602092629&gclid=CjwKCAjwu_mSBhAYEiwA5BBmf5Pq80ocSD_f-7WdAixyvwtCRGVfl28shOTVPxtkBQ9zS6yKogK_axoCh-wQAvD_BwE).
And the temperature needed to completely burn away flesh and bone? (Not just cooking it) The fabric on a chair is not wood.
And the temperature needed to completely burn away flesh and bone? (Not just cooking it) The fabric on a chair is not wood.
(post is archived)