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>And of course I get all of the “oh so you’re saying there are no solutions???”

>This is such a low IQ take.

>Yes, I am literally saying that there are no political solutions, and that politics is a gigantic scam. I’m saying you are the solution, my dearest parasocial friend and my brother in Christ.

>Can you make your life good? Can you be good to other people? Can you take care of yourself and take care of others who deserve it when they need it? Can you build a community of traditional white Americans?

>Can you live like a Christian?

>>And of course I get all of the “oh so you’re saying there are no solutions???” >>This is such a low IQ take. >>Yes, I am literally saying that there are no political solutions, and that politics is a gigantic scam. I’m saying you are the solution, my dearest parasocial friend and my brother in Christ. >>Can you make your life good? Can you be good to other people? Can you take care of yourself and take care of others who deserve it when they need it? Can you build a community of traditional white Americans? >>Can you live like a Christian?

(post is archived)

What do you choose Ivan?

[–] 1 pt

You're such a fucking jew weev

[–] 0 pt

I'm voting for President Trump. Who hasn't had a situation where you look amongst your group you hang out with or work with and want them to take a stand but they don't do a damned thing and 'stay out of it' or blend into the walls and pretend they aren't supporting tyrants in your midst by their 'do nothing' approach? President Trump made mistakes but we aren't the one-issue voter. We look at the bundle of sticks each candidate offers and go with the best fagot.

[–] 2 pts

It isn't just "one issue" that's the problem. It's many many issues. Donald Trump loves kikes, hates Whites. He will never help save Whites, and would in fact happily work towards our destruction.

Especially with Kushner still breathing.

We can't trust a word out of his mouth, nevermind the other politicians. He didn't do anything of note for Whites, but he sure loved sucking jew cock and wants to get rid of any "anti-semites" that exist.

[–] 0 pt

This time around he is supposed to drop and keep out jew Kushner and daughter. Last time he signed RINO Paul Ryan's holocaust bill which was a big disappointment. However Biden's shit pile is much larger and affects our food and gas prices and inflates away the value of any money we make. I think last figures was 25% inflation since Biden stole office. I want Biden out and will vote Trump.

[–] 1 pt

I wonder if you read any more than the headline

[–] 0 pt

I LOOKED AT "Remember which niggers kept telling you “oh no, Trump will be better this time!”

I said they were retards from the beginning for even talking about the election at all – it’s like taking pro-wrestling super seriously when you know for a fact it’s fake.

But even I had no idea that Trump would go ultra-kike. This nigger was running around promoting abortion for months, then we get Gaza and he went ultra-maximo-zio-mania. Now this nigger is saying he’s bringing back the lunatic Indian mass-murderer – the ultimate Jew-lover, who makes Bill Kristol and Max Boot blush with her pro-Jew sentiment!"

">Yes, I am literally saying that there are no political solutions, and that politics is a gigantic scam. "



[–] 0 pt

Your response didn’t say much of anything. But at least you had to double back to pull some quotes.

[–] 0 pt

Careul, your anti-White zionist is showing.

[–] 1 pt

>Fight Zionism by voting for it.

lol ok

[–] 0 pt

Well wtf do we do? All these rich fuckers are tied up with jews and they are incapable of getting free of (((them))). You don't vote and (((they))) win. Do- (((they))) win some more.


[–] 1 pt

>wtf do we do?

That is in the article you’re responding to, so read that. If you want more, the sticky American Endgame Part II has some pretty good ideas.

By the way, it’s kind of ridiculous for you to be using the echoes while advocating for choosing the lesser of two (((evils))). Like what’s the point of naming them if knowing doesn’t actually change anything for you?