Have a yuuuge folder with much more than this, but here are just a few that many seem to conveniently let slip their minds in order to maintain the delusion that kikes hate Trump and he's "on our side" instead of just another of their puppets playing its part as they push their manipulation of the masses:
- https://pic8.co/sh/Hli2bF.jpeg - Donald Trump Square
- https://pic8.co/sh/KX3Ev9.jpeg - Donald Trump Heights (Golan)
- https://pic8.co/sh/isUE0k.jpeg - Donald Trump Heights (Golan 2)
- https://pic8.co/sh/lpf1kI.jpeg - Donald Trump shekel
- https://pic8.co/sh/9ABOKQ.jpeg - Donald Trump friend of zion road signs
- https://pic8.co/sh/vROdor.jpeg - kike servitude wall 1
- https://pic8.co/sh/y08dcW.jpg - kike servitude wall 2
- https://pic8.co/sh/rz7MK0.jpg - kike servitude wall 3
- https://pic8.co/sh/mOc43e.jpg - kike servitude wall 4
- https://pic8.co/sh/AMxYNY.jpg - failed promises, all led to kikes keeping power
- https://vid8.poal.co/user/Khro_/FNA647k | https://vid8.poal.co/uploads/Khro_/FNA647k.mp4 - trump complains kikes lost rightful control of congress
- https://pic8.co/sh/CBNmuT.jpg - member of the same club with the other kike puppets
- https://pic8.co/sh/ogik1X.jpg - Trump's kike daughter anti-White
- https://pic8.co/sh/d1tY3A.jpg - Trump pushes decriminalization of faggotry worldwide
- https://pic8.co/sh/mpzia1.jpg - Trump accelerated influx of invaders into our country
- https://pic8.co/sh/w4wAvE.jpg - Collage of Trump pushing kike agendas
- https://pic8.co/sh/CFH45m.jpg - Trump made efforts to help every demographic except Whites
- https://pic8.co/sh/ZE0cle.jpg - Trump pushed for "israel" to be immune from the International Criminal Court
- https://pic8.co/sh/XIGUcu.jpeg - Combat "anti-semitism" Act
- https://pic8.co/sh/mFuPin.jpg - Issued executive order banning any activity on American campuses that kikes claim to be "anti-semitic"
- https://pic8.co/sh/SZr0DK.jpg - Signed US law against European anti-semitism HR672
(post is archived)