The insane idea that a 'gun free zone' will stop a criminal.
Have you ever walked into one of those signs? Shit hurts.
The insane idea that a 'gun free zone' will stop a criminal.
Have you ever walked into one of those signs? Shit hurts.
The better question is why does it seem that almost all these shooters are know to enforcement agencies yet manage to fall through the cracks.
Why are you asking me?
Stop ducking!
And yet, these weird mass casualty events only happen in America.
It's like breivik didn't happen
Because America is a big stumbling block to global communism and 'they' are trying to disarm us (these are Operation Gladio black ops by professionals).
Cause we cant throw faggots off the roof.
Assuming the problem with shootings is the availability of guns is a very ignorant view.
Guns have existed in this country since the first settlers arrived. Guns have been available on this continent since long before the country itself existed. That means that gun availability has been a constant.
The real question that needs to be asked by anyone who is serious about trying to prevent them is; what changed? While gun availability has been a constant these shootings are a relatively recent phenomena. So if access to guns is not the variable that has changed, What is?
Solving the problem requires honest introspection to find the actual cause. My question is simple. If guns have been a constant, what variable has changed?
The dialectic should really be drawn between “rational skepticism” and “kookery.”
I'm glad to hear that.
Perhaps most importantly: America has a mass intelligence apparatus with a well-documented history of running utterly amoral psychological operations against their own population
And the said intelligence agencies together with FBI instigate the attacks in the first place...
(post is archived)