Factorio is fun. Hard but fun
Factorio is fun. Hard but fun
One user on the Factorio subreddit warned Kovarex about recommending Uncle Bob. “I know I know, politics and games don’t mix well,” d40b explained, “but promoting a controversial person without any reservations _is_ a political act.”
“So it might be worth considering to add a disclaimer. His actions and words have hurt a lot of (typically) underrepresented people and I’d personally prefer to avoid more people getting hurt by promoting him.”
Oh, cry me a river.
The comments by both Kovarex and d40b were deleted by moderators.
Of course, because it's reddit.
Also, though we would be advising you to buy this game even if it was complete garbage, it is actually awesome. It is one of the single most intense resource management sims out there, and it would be difficult for anyone not to like it – even if they don’t have autism.
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