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I am hereby officially advising Mel Gibson to cease making these idiotic and shameful, stupid Jewish violence movies. There is more to life than making movies, assuming he has no other way to make movies, which I don’t actually believe. Furthermore, the Jews are not going to forgive him because he humiliated himself in this way. Even if they’ve told him they will let him back in the biz after he does his penance, that is an untrue statement.

>I am hereby officially advising Mel Gibson to cease making these idiotic and shameful, stupid Jewish violence movies. There is more to life than making movies, assuming he has no other way to make movies, which I don’t actually believe. Furthermore, the Jews are not going to forgive him because he humiliated himself in this way. Even if they’ve told him they will let him back in the biz after he does his penance, that is an untrue statement.

(post is archived)

[–] 2 pts

Watched Fatman with the wife thinking it was going to be a “you’re on the naughty list” blam blam type movie.

Totally lame movie. Black Mrs. clause. Hardly any gun fights until sort-of at the end. Wasn’t even a “cheesy it’s funny” type movie.

[–] 1 pt

Just another way for the atheists and the Jews to shit on Christmas.

[–] 0 pt

mel gibson is a movie star you goddamn rube

[–] 1 pt

Did you read the article or just the headline?

[–] 0 pt

i don't need updates about a movie star.

you're optimistic about gibson huh?

Are you going to save hollywood so good christian films can be made after our war?

Is "movies" on your heirarchy of needs?

[–] 1 pt

If you'd read the article you'd know your original comment was completely pointless. Why waste your time typing something if you don't even know what you're talking about to begin with?

screw those oven dodging ferengi assholes. i don't watch any of the new jew produced and directed movies. cuties comes to mind since it was written produced and directed by the pedophile jews. recently talked my relatives out of getting netflix by telling them about that pedo movie and telling them to research it. none of them will sign up netflix now. 😁