The solution sure isn't begging the same institutions that caused a problem to resolve a side effect of their rule with a higher dose of the same or another problem. Doing so means and shows that we do and have a reliance on others to rule over us.
Alternative: Live your own god damn life and fuck all else.
Alternative: Live your own god damn life and fuck all else.
Obvious. That's not even an alternative, because it's the only way to deal with things that are outside of your control.
That doesn't mean we shouldn't encourage our government to do what's better for us.
Or instead of that it should make no difference to us if someone can just steal our government's highest office and accelerate our extermination? I'm sure some well meaning ideology is behind that, but my advice would be to be practical rather than utopian in your thinking.
The DOJ has every right to step into the polling precincts to observe and they should. Lawyers have the right. Do that first. Martial law is something that shouldn't be usd lightly as it's a genie that's hard to put and keep in the bottle. Trump won't be in office forever and we'll be lucky to have another president like him again. I don't want some screwball like Biden feeling like he can wield that power on a whim.
I've heard in Michigan they were kicking GOP lawyers out of the counting stations and cheering when that was done. Once the fraud has been committed, the fake ballots are mixed in with the real ones and no one can tell the difference. What makes you think Trump refusing to use this power would make Biden('s handlers) think Biden couldn't wield it?
(post is archived)