You can say whatever about Donald Trump, but there is nothing fake about him other than the parts that are obviously fake which he doesn’t fake being fake about. Trump is an earnest, vulgar, self-aggrandizing, masculine, loud goofball showman, conspiracy theorist, womanizer and game show host with the psychological profile of a 14-year-old boy, and everything about him has always been genuine. All of this stuff that went wrong with the presidency was a result of him not being fit to deal with the pressure of a job that he got by accident. I don’t know if I can say I forgive him for how this all turned out, because if I’m truthful with you there was a time in 2018 that I felt my heart break when I realized that nothing he said he was going to do was happening. It was an actual physical pain in my chest, which I realized is what men feel over women and then I realized what absolute faggots men are to ever care as much about a woman as I cared about Donald Trump. But whether I forgive him or not, I do understand what happened. And the fact is that if you watch the man, he’s still just as real as he ever was, and if you asked him what happened to the thing with the wall he would act like a kid trying to explain that his dog ate his homework.
>You can say whatever about Donald Trump, but there is nothing fake about him other than the parts that are obviously fake which he doesn’t fake being fake about. Trump is an earnest, vulgar, self-aggrandizing, masculine, loud goofball showman, conspiracy theorist, womanizer and game show host with the psychological profile of a 14-year-old boy, and everything about him has always been genuine. All of this stuff that went wrong with the presidency was a result of him not being fit to deal with the pressure of a job that he got by accident. I don’t know if I can say I forgive him for how this all turned out, because if I’m truthful with you there was a time in 2018 that I felt my heart break when I realized that nothing he said he was going to do was happening. It was an actual physical pain in my chest, which I realized is what men feel over women and then I realized what absolute faggots men are to ever care as much about a woman as I cared about Donald Trump. But whether I forgive him or not, I do understand what happened. And the fact is that if you watch the man, he’s still just as real as he ever was, and if you asked him what happened to the thing with the wall he would act like a kid trying to explain that his dog ate his homework.
(post is archived)