Look fags, can I call you all fags? Good
I started calculations a while back, and I started with a 1% death rate, with a 40% infection rate, for the US pop (330,000,000 people, roughly, according to wikipekike (en.wikipedia.org))
It gives a 1,320,000 dead
Now that's for 40% infected, if it goes 70% oh well, you get 2,310,000 dead, over a year, with 1% death rate
Problem is that nobody has a fucking clue of what the actual death rate really is, let alone for the US, it varies depending on factors such as "is your country under embargo?", "Is your country a cesspool?" "Is your country full of old farts, obeses, diabetics?" "what strain of corona did you get? The L or K?"
And again, that's only focusing on the death rate here, which is again, not the problem, like fucking not at all since day one, that's what many fail to grasp
It's like the sheer power of the left lead jab, that's not the issue with that jab, the issue is the reach and the disruptive power
To apply the analogy of the lead jab to corona, the reach is the infection rate/the spread, the disruptive power is a combination of how bad you get incapacitated (while not even in ICU, just infected and well, coughing your shit) and how many times it happens to you in a fucking year/month/week (because yeah, you get the shit over and over again). It's spam in a nutshell
I mean, let's say the death rate is 0.1%, but the infection rate is 40% of the pop. On those you get 1/3 with mild to no symptom (like just a bit of fever), and the rest is just plain sick coughing to no end with fucking fever like wow you hardly can focus on anything. You still get roughly 30% of your pop in a state ranging from sick to sick as shit. Who are those people? Politicians? Teachers? Cops? Clerks? Bankers? Admins? Soldiers?
You get the idea, it's a fucking problem if that becomes endemic
Sure you have the trumppill, but, like what? Everybody on trumpill for the rest of their days?
Edit: It's funny that shit is called corona btw. Like a beer. 4 liters of beer over a day is just funny. In about an hour that's definitely super funky to say the least https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wneMBMBZkB0
(post is archived)