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[–] [deleted] 8 pts

They are both degenerate perverts. I don't give a dead rat's ass.

[–] 8 pts

Hurr durr

lol You've completely missed the point.

It's about exposing the lying bitches who destroy men lives with made up claims.

[–] 3 pts

Exactly. Johnny Depp doesn't give a fuck about 8 million. He gives a fuck about proving that this dumb bitch is a dumb bitch and hopefully it will open some eyes.

[–] 2 pts

Johnny got out of it lightly. A family friend of mine had a wife who was a narcissistic sociopath, she abused him physically and psychologically for years. He committed suicide almost 4 years ago. Women like this exist and are far more common than the media would have you believe. It would be interesting to look into male suicides and see what percentage of them are primarily driven by domestic abuse (physical or psychological). Women do not often directly kill their spouses, but they are much more likely to drive them to do it themselves.

OK. But Johnny Depp was involved with the murder of River Phoenics. He is a pervert too.

[–] 2 pts

That's still not the topic of the post.

You don't have to muddy the verdict with something unrelated.

[–] 2 pts

Do you have a bed pooping fetish, or just a crush on amber heard?

[–] 0 pt

How so?

You assume Johnny Depp's win will trickle down to the average Joe

[–] 3 pts

Was only a show to distract the public.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

Yeah, it’s crazy to think that two people who hate each other might end up in court. It must be a deep state scheme.

I don't mind them doing more shows that damage Me Too and false accusations. Based Glowniggers.

[–] 0 pt

Thank you. Finally a reasonable answer.

[–] 0 pt

You should give a rats ass that a whore was held accountable.

[–] 0 pt

Why? His career was not damaged. Who gives a shit if it was...do the world a favor. He's a raging alcoholic and that type attracts an Amber. Both are broken people and it was just show. A nothing. They both gave about the same crap to each other but that didn't "defame" Depp. I was disgusted at how the public followed that drivel all those days.

[–] 2 pts

Thank God I don't have to hear about it anymore.

[–] 2 pts

How can they live stream this and promote It 24/7 with endless footage and photos. But we still don't have ONE picture to say ghislaine Maxwell is even in custody. Should be the other way around. Fuck this place

[–] 0 pt

The Judicial Conference and most federal judges have generally rejected television and camera coverage of court proceedings, arguing that live television broadcasts, in particular, distract trial participants, prejudice trial outcomes, and thus deprive defendants of fair trials.

Camera coverages in Supreme Court aren't permitted

Some courts allow video, some don't. Some leave to the judges presiding over the cases.

[–] 1 pt

This was all very meme worthy and an interesting insight to the degenerate abusiveness we know and love. Well, maybe not love, but it is entertaining to an extent, nonetheless.

[–] 1 pt

Good luck collecting.

[–] 1 pt (edited )

Meanwhile, Hillary, Fauci, Obama, Brennan, et al. still walking around free.

Also, why should I care about degenerate Hollywood shitbags?

“Oh, this one Hollywood shitbag totally got revenge on this other Hollywood shitbag.”


And yes, AOU, I see yer comment about “well shitty women does this shit all the time so therefore blah blah.”

Yeah but this isn’t going to benefit the average American dude who gets caught up with the average female sociopath.

This guy “won” because he has the money for a good attorney and his acting skills give him an edge in coming across as a likeable character…two things that the majority of dudes don’t necessarily have.

And even had he lost, he’d be fine. He could just mosey over to wherever rich Hollywood fuckheads go, do a mountain of coke, bang out a few high class hookers and be back to his regular self in no time.

From everything I heard, she’s a shithead. So sure, I’m glad she got her comeuppance I guess.. but she’s also going to be fine. I highly doubt this will cause her any real damage in terms of employment opportunity or anything else that these Hollywood shitheads take for granted.

Apparently, she got away with doing a bump on the witness stand I hear?

Oh yeah, I’m sure THIS really “taught her a lesson.”

Give me a fucking break.

[–] 0 pt

Also, why should I care about degenerate Hollywood shitbags?

lol Thanks for the rant. Now check the sub name. Feel free to block it.

[–] 1 pt

I'm just giving you shit. Naaa I won't block the sub. Though I wish I had the option to block certain people (present company excluded; also, the "block user" option is NOT in my account for some reason), that's just life.

[–] 0 pt

It should be (in user's profile sidebar) since you've just crossed level 10.

[–] 0 pt

If he wins then why does he still have to pay out 2 million? Oh right, kike lawyers

[–] 0 pt

All pigs(lawyers) in trough cinema to distract masses.

She will just appeal without cause evidence or reason.

More $$$ for lawyers but ultimately the last few weeks of stage play will be rendered pointless

She will just appeal without cause evidence or reason.

You are not allowed to bring in new evidence during an appeal. You have to rely on evidence already in the record.

[–] 0 pt

I see the whole drama as a big secular distraction from all the real tragedies around us.

False accusations have been a real tragedy for many men.