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[–] 10 pts

Of course that inbred oildriller would get pissy about us peasants getting to talk in America. Somebody stamp DEFECTIVE DILDO on his pasty ass and ship him back to airstrip one.

[–] 3 pts

He and his handler/wife are against free speech at every turn. They are deeply connected to the clintons, obamas, gates', soros, oprah etc... they even just signed a contract with P&G. Absolute tools, and stupid ones at that.

[–] [deleted] 6 pts

Well Prince Harry is a retard who married a whore and at least I'm not trash like him. :D

[–] 3 pts

I believe the professional term is "yacht girl", the difference is that yacht girls will do literally ANYTHING for fame.

[–] [deleted] 5 pts

This guy is such a failure. Runt of the family indeed.

[–] 4 pts

"Prince" Harry can go fuck himself along with others who are against free speech. If you don't like what someone else said either don't engage in the conversation, or walk away.

[–] [deleted] 3 pts

Prince Harry gets a lot of sympathy from me. He is imprisoned in his mind, his perceptions are governed, his whole life, from birth.

Firstly he was trapped in the royal bubble which, although it has upsides like the foreign travel etc, it's like living in a goldfish bowl and you have to rely on people around you explaining what's going on all the time - they can manipulate you quite easily by misrepresenting reality to make you behave in a certain way.

Now, in a desperate effort to escape he has jumped from the frying pan to the fire, he's been subsumed by the wokerati on the west coast of America, he's being pumped with disinformation and used as a little puppet for their causes.

I don't think he has a clue what's going on, he's totally fucked up, mentally.

[–] 3 pts

This is a great point. For anyone beyond their 20's, don't we all look back and see how we were all trapped in basically in a fantasy world of our own making?

I was thinking about something related to this a while back. Jordan Peterson made a point that I like a lot. He said that growing up is the continual process of your potential dying. He referred to it the way you would think of branches on a tree slowly dying, it's a personal death. So, when we are born, we have almost infinite potential. Even our neurobiology is so vast that it is wired for the potential of language, and upon learning its maternal language it literally prunes it self and only a subset of neurons are left over. So, this would be like the first symbolic death of our potential. As we get older, we differentiate and we give up more of our potential. As kids we wanted to become a million things, then a hundred things, then maybe 2. And eventually you get to a point in life where you realize that, just like a cat can only ever be a cat and a dog can only ever live out the potential of a dog, so a human can only ever experience the potential of a human. As a kid we looked at an old person as someon set in their ways and as an old person you kind of realize that you have simply lived through all the death of human potential given to you at birth and you are now fully realized. And, if you kept your body and health up you get to maximize that.

Having said that, each of those age groups where you kind of put parentheses around the potential you imagined your self as, each of those states we are basically creating an internal fantasy of potential outcomes, continually dreaming of what can be. All of those processes involve a lot of mental masturbation and self justification of our choices. And in each one of those states, we are stuck in a kind of our own mental matrix.

This is why when we look at those younger than us we just laught knowing that they are stuck in a kind of internal fantasy.

It's funny you mention that. You can literally see Harry completely stuck in a fantasy that is based around justifying his brain being parasitized by his wife.

[–] 1 pt

just post the clip. you want me to believe some media article?

for all i know they got the context completely wrong

PR ---- hoping someone will vote for archie when he is old enough to run for office.

[–] 1 pt

"the 'genetic pain and suffering' of growing up as a royal" - why does he look so much like Diana's butler instead of Charles?

[–] 1 pt

How is he still called prince I thought he denounced his thrown.

He’s just a ginger named Harry.

By the way, he didn’t taint his bloodline by marrying that girl. His bloodline was already marred with incest and jewery.

[–] 1 pt

tho would have thought... pic related (i2.cdn.turner.com)

I'm thinking of making a princeharryhate sub just for my own amusement. Not sure if I'll have the time to make it a big thing, but Prince Harry sure provides endless fodder to mock him with.

Plus I used to like him and it's so disappointing that he's become such a cream puff.

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