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[–] 0 pt

It will almost certainly be sub 40k in six months. It's the market cycle.

How about in six years? These people don't think in terms of weeks and months. They think in terms of years and decades.

[–] 0 pt

You completely missed the point, and I'm not going to write a treatise and explain it to you. If you want a couple sentences here they are. Gold, every other metal, the dollar, every other currency, NYSE, and every other exchange are heavily manipulated to rob you of money by keeping your assets low and inflating their assets (the list above) a higher than inflation. It's a wealth transfer. Soros (en.wikipedia.org) is the biggest currency manipulator of all time. China is the biggest state currency manipulator of all time. Both know what they're doing. Btc is a currency now, to be manipulated just every other currency. Currencies are the easiest to manipulate to keep them below real inflation. Btc may be <40k in 6 years but everything will cost 50% ,60% maybe 100% more. Keeping mashing that kraken/coinbase app, keep buying the dip, and keep being as poor as you are today.

[–] 0 pt

I made >20x gains this run while earning 40% interest. It will rain money on me for the rest of my life because I played it smart. The crypto market cycles won't change. Gains will just get smaller, as will losses, Soros or no Soros, China or no China.

I love the "stay poor" crowd who have no idea who they're saying it to at any given time. Playing crypto markets is the easiest money anyone with half a brain can manage to make, so long as you stay patient, while paying attention and keeping your emotions in check. Soros will play emotional morons like you like a fiddle.