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[–] 10 pts

What are the chances they will say he used a scary "ghost" gun?

[–] 3 pts

Juicy Smollet?

[–] 3 pts

Seeing as Biden wants to ban any and all guns down to the fucking single bolt acvtion, not surprising

[–] 1 pt

Which president banned the bump stock?

[–] 1 pt

None. It never happened. Trump foolishly let the ATF reclassify bumpstocks as machine guns. Courts later overturned it. Trump was apathetic towards guns his entire presidency which sucks because that was the shot we had to get the bullshit unwound. I don’t care about being mad at Trump for not fighting for gun rights or liking Israel too much or whatever, but he didn’t ban bumpstocks.

[–] 1 pt

I hate ghosts, now you're telling me they're using illegal guns?

[–] 10 pts

Pics or it didn't happen. Might sound insensitive to say about a supposed shooting. But not half as insensitive as faking one.

[–] 9 pts

Because he’s a darkie. Had it been a white guy, all cameras would be playing all day across fakenews.

[–] 9 pts

How a city works without niggers: White guy monitoring 500 security cameras. One goes down. Immediate work order is issued by the transit authority. White electrician gets the order. Immediately is dispatched to the warehouse to locate, procure and install new camera. 12 hours later all 500 are working again.

How a city works with affirmative action: Fat nigger female monitoring 500 security cameras. 300 don't work. It's racist to ask her why. Two years ago a work order was issued by the transit authority to replace a dozen cameras. A nigger electrician gets the orders. The orders are lost.

Welcome to hell.

[–] [deleted] 4 pts

Even better. without niggers no resources are wasted on cameras that wont be working when they are needed to watch niggers do crime.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

Yep. Before 1964 we went to bed with the doors unlocked, sometimes the screendoor open on a hot night. Used to walk around the neighborhood after dark without fear of assault or interference. The town held dances at the village hall. We had "hootenanies" in the park. We had a shopping center with a malt shop and a record store. Little league for boys and softball teams for girls. Life before cameras. Life before niggers.

Sheeeeeeeeeehehehehehehhhiiiit nigga wey yalls cawlin meh befo 12pm inna moenin?!

[–] 5 pts

No working cameras in the NYC subway; a place that has more cameras than a casino. Unless there was a power outage, they're lying, but you didn't need me to tell you that.

[–] 2 pts

In nz the occupation government sent agent provacaturs into our protests where they set fires and vandalized infrastructure.

They wore gas masks and high vis vests

[–] 2 pts

occupation government

Yes, this is the phrase to use. This is what to call them, because this is what the five-eyes governments are.

Violent illegitimate occupation regimes.

[–] 0 pt

That they are my friend. Stay safe

You have BLM and antifags too?

[–] 0 pt

Soros and friends. Rent a mob.

[–] 1 pt

So no explosion, just some smoke and some bullets. The guy was the hero in his own action movie playing in his head.

[–] 1 pt

"no working cameras"

Do they want us to think we live in 1920 instead of 2020?

You'll believe it and accept it without question.

Onto the next distraction.

[–] 1 pt

Malfunctioning cameras... Seems convenient...

[–] 1 pt

The suspect is described as a Black male, who is approximately 5 feet 5 inches tall and heavyset. AKA a fat nigger

I'm guessing the security guards were at lunch at the time too huh?

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