In October, we spent one night in Grand Island, NE. As I pull into the motel parking lot, there's some fucktard parked right in the middle of the driveway entrance - shiny S-10 pickup, both doors open and the fucktard is walking around it wiping spots off it with a rag. Nice looking vehicle, but this idiot is blocking the entrance and taking his own sweet time. I honk - motion for him to close his door so I can get by. He looks at me with a blank stare and does nothing.
It's then I notice he's a taco nigger - probably fresh off a smuggler's truck. But no - fucking Chihuahua MX license plates on the truck. Seriously? Asshole can't be courteous in another country? He finally got in and closed his door and I coasted past him - flying a big middle finger in his direction. Mrs. Duck told me to stop - said he might be cartel. I responded by switching off the safety on my .45, but he drove off into the sunset.
So +1 for ya.