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(post is archived)

[–] 9 pts

Another dumb bitch that knows better than her parents.....hope she likes having a barren uterus, blood clots, cancer, and heart problems. If she survives long enough to have any of these problems.

[–] 4 pts

On her death bed at age 26 she will utter "It was worth the updoots"

[–] 2 pts

Self-correcting problem. "TWEEEET. YOU! YES, YOU! OUTTA THE GENE POOL!

[–] 5 pts

I hear there are ways to fix your immune system in minecraft.

When you die in minecraft, do you die in real life?

[–] 4 pts

God I so want that 10k likes. A friend told me there is an easy way if I take this injection. I don't know if it's safe, but I just really need those likes.

[–] 4 pts

This is actually a powerful motivator. I bet there are upvote farms dedicated to liking your vaxposting.

[–] 1 pt

it's sad, isn't it.. a people so starved for attention that they will basically throw their life away.

[–] 3 pts

Is she dead yet? Cuz she put the guy's life at risk.

[–] 2 pts (edited )

This shit is at 215k karma. You got some simpsher brother on twitter running interference that this isn't possibly about the COVID-19 vaccination.

[–] 3 pts

I just noticed someone gave her the skull award (2nd line 3rd from right). Based.

[–] 1 pt (edited )

I checked her twitter. She seems to be doing just fine now. She chopped her hair and looks like an insufferable liberal idiot. Gay flag on the profile of course.

[–] 0 pt

Ivermectin Hyrdoxy Fendendazole Chlorine dioxide Tudca Zeolite EDTA Carbon60

Vinegar baths

cycle them. Parasites hatch on full moons (including these morgellons candida albicans nano quantum dot fuckers that are activated via frequencies) and when you kill the ones initially in your gut, it sends out a hormone that protects the others/the eggs invasively in your body. It will take about 3 months.

Dr Merritt recommends 3 days on 5 days off to avoid herxheimers reaction which is a bitch.

Your body is self healing but first you need to reset everything.

[–] 5 pts

Peak boomer nonsense. If you inject that poison there's nothing you can short of filtering your blood through a machine and even then it's in all your organs. Just accept your mistake.

[–] -1 pt (edited )

First off, I've never been vax'd. but I did develop Morgellons disease, which happened after I came down with the WuFlu in July 2021. I went to numerous doctors and they all gas lit me. It may be worse for the vax'd (probably) but the "spike protein" is in most of us whether we've had "covid" or been shed on, ingested toxic food/water/air, worn those toxic masks with those fibers on them (I did briefly and stupidly)- I've even found them in textiles from amazon. The vax'd who die on their own, I believe simply have some disposition where the nano parasites grow into clots on their own. I was targeted.

My health was severely declining after summer.

The above items, plus single malt whiskey, and Mycozil/Candida Cleansing, potassium iodine supplements have saved my life.

Would you like to see some of the things I've shed in the last 100 days? Most of these are after day 3 of ivermectin


https://files.catbox.moe/4ufc7b.jpg https://files.catbox.moe/arzv3j.jpg https://files.catbox.moe/arzv3j.jpg https://files.catbox.moe/j2g9ol.jpg https://files.catbox.moe/17djnz.jpg https://files.catbox.moe/4rnb2e.jpg https://files.catbox.moe/tyvsgg.jpg https://files.catbox.moe/30zpvf.jpg https://files.catbox.moe/debxhq.jpg https://files.catbox.moe/ngpyr0.jpg https://files.catbox.moe/wf23ux.jpg https://files.catbox.moe/0qd4gv.jpg https://files.catbox.moe/ano251.jpg https://files.catbox.moe/pif8ka.png https://files.catbox.moe/lsa8ww.jpg https://files.catbox.moe/r4h6cw.jpg https://files.catbox.moe/03d7i9.jpg https://files.catbox.moe/debxhq.jpg https://files.catbox.moe/05fztx.jpg https://files.catbox.moe/tjqewx.jpg https://files.catbox.moe/60ms6g.mp4 https://files.catbox.moe/b9wdd3.mp4

Those black fibers in the sink..... those shed off my scalp. But when I took a detox bath for the first time, I literally had THOUSANDS of them come out of my lower legs. I also pulled a 10 inch white hair out of my groin area. These resemble the fibers that came out of infected areas all over my body.

The stringy white fibers are biosynthetic. I have a tupperware jar full of them. They are replicating in the jar on their own and producing these white dog hair looking strands that are thicker, and they also "lay" these black quantum dot things that are basically the eggs for these black fibers that infested my body. They also caused full length hairs that are the color of my hair to come out of infected areas of my skin; i.e if I got an infected bump from shaving, or a bug bite, or whatever, it would simply not heal/heal extremely slowly and this fucking fluid would come out and then eventually a blood clot would plop out and these fibers.

In August 2021 I had a 4 inch purple fiber sticking out of my neck. I had to use tweezers to extract it.

This is a bioweapon. It is activated via certain frequency ranges. I was/am a TI - I've been gang stalked in public a few times (hi DoD). They tried to kill me and they failed.

I'm an older millennial. Not a fucking boomer.

I can go into more detail about my status as a TI and why if you'd like. I don't give a fuck anymore. They'll probably V& me or schedule me once they figure out I've cured myself.

I have no reason to lie to you.

I think I was a beta tester for this.


This is from a presentation an NSA capt did at West Point about technologies they already have

I used to have a "second" voice in my head that was full of all this negative bullshit. Its completely disappeared.

The graphene oxide fucks with the natural frequencies of your body and the magnetism's associated. In April 2020 I walked by my parents solar city box, and I could literally feel the emf field. After that is when things started getting weird for me.

[–] 1 pt

The stringy white fibers are biosynthetic. I have a tupperware jar full of them.

You save the hairs you pull off your body in a tupperware jar? Oooooookay.

[–] 0 pt

Covid doesn't exist, China had nothing to do with "it" and you're an obvious kike.

[–] 3 pts

It bothers me that so many Poalrs just upvote this without anything to back up the claims/recommendations.


[–] 3 pts

When I came from voat, I recall noticing poal users were more skeptical of practically anything whether (or not) it fit preconceived understandings or beliefs.

I thought the retards from voat mostly went to trump .win (or whatever that site is), or fakevoat .xyz. Still poal has changed sadly.

Inb4 "yur still here lulz"

[–] 2 pts

This "full moon parasite" shit is so bad it's getting its own Operation Trust repost.

[–] 0 pt

you can jewgle this shit retard. The next moon coming up is called the Worm Moon because thats when worms hatch from the ice thawing.

[–] 0 pt

what specifically can kill the nanobots? also, how does the vinegar bath work and how much and what kind should a person use. I have done the hydrogen peroxide therapy and bath with mixed results. I probably did that wrong but I am still a believer in this sort of thing.

[–] -1 pt (edited )

You need to foster an enviroment where your body is no longer toxic. Virus means "toxic" in latin. The parasites are there because they find it a habitable environment. You need to follow a healthy diet, and use the listed drugs and supplements so they get the fuck out. They came out of every inch of my body. They came out of my eye sockets. They came out of my scalp. everywhere

Use white vinegar and or apple cider vinegar. Drink apple cider vinegar too. Use a min of one cup. I also added a good amount of salt for good measure. I did this while I was on day 2/3 of ivermectin and I practically disassociated from my body (many of the above photos I posted are from shit i pulled out in the bath). I still take them every week and am still having a few of these fibers coming out, and some smaller worms.

I had high iron on my bloodwork for years. Had no idea why. I was clenching my teeth sleeping. My enamel was getting fucked up. I was having brain fog. Depression. Inflammation. Engaging in high risk behavior. a million other symptoms and I had no idea why because I'm an otherwise extremely healthy individual.

All my symptoms went away.

They wanted to get rid of me and make it look like natural causes. Fuck them.

[–] 1 pt

drink 1 cup of apple cider vinegar

Fuck off moshe. You'd be in the hospital in no time if you did that.

[–] 0 pt

fuck them indeed. i'll make a note of this in my own regiment thanks

[–] 0 pt


What do buckyballs do?

[–] 0 pt

Provide you with a personal forcefield.

[–] 1 pt

Hey! I'm short, but I'm not that short. :(