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The comedy of clown world at its finest. I have shoulder surgery scheduled, so wife's brother offers to help out. Gets his Covid vax to be safe around my toddlers like an idiot. Within 2 days of arrival he's at the ER with huge pustules on neck and armpit. Turns out to be shingles.

My twin 16 month old daughters hadn't been vaccinated for Chicken pox as their scheduled 12-month doc visit was postponed to 18 months due to fake pandemic reasons.

Two weeks later and my shoulder is fine while both girls are covered in pox. Meanwhile, my wife's super fit and healthy 30 year old brother is suffering big time. He's been to the ER twice this week, and now might have spinal meningitis.

A shot to boost immune system apparently weakens it to the point of reactivating harmless viruses. My 70-year old mother got her vax as well due to asthma.... Now she's got slime coming out of her lungs and is terrified.

Just FYI in case any of you were even considering this shot.


The comedy of clown world at its finest. I have shoulder surgery scheduled, so wife's brother offers to help out. Gets his Covid vax to be safe around my toddlers like an idiot. Within 2 days of arrival he's at the ER with huge pustules on neck and armpit. Turns out to be shingles. My twin 16 month old daughters hadn't been vaccinated for Chicken pox as their scheduled 12-month doc visit was postponed to 18 months due to fake pandemic reasons. Two weeks later and my shoulder is fine while both girls are covered in pox. Meanwhile, my wife's super fit and healthy 30 year old brother is suffering big time. He's been to the ER twice this week, and now might have spinal meningitis. A shot to boost immune system apparently weakens it to the point of reactivating harmless viruses. My 70-year old mother got her vax as well due to asthma.... Now she's got slime coming out of her lungs and is terrified. Just FYI in case any of you were even considering this shot. https://pic8.co/sh/UU3BJh.png

(post is archived)

[–] 35 pts

As a father of four. When I heard there was a vax for chicken pox. I was like Why? Just get chicken pox.

[–] 15 pts

Amazing how logic is thrown out the window. People arranged chickenpox parties to infect their kids early because of how severe and compromising it can be to get it as an adult. Now, the clowns redefined everything to the point where you must surrender to the jab or else for anyhting

[–] 2 pts

I didn't get it until my 20s. Wasn't serious, just itchy as hell.

[–] 5 pts

Its bad when you're geriatric not 20.

[–] 1 pt

Yeah like I knew these fags in California having aids parties. So old school.

Heeps of Sarcasm here.

[–] 12 pts

Chicken pox isn't a big deal. Shingles on the other hand...

[–] 5 pts

Shingles is nothing if you are healthy.

[–] 3 pts

Idk about this one. I know a strapping Marine who runs 3+ miles/day get shingles and he was on 2 doses of oxy a day for 4 months.

[–] 2 pts

Same, I've had it. Sucks but not deadly.

[–] 2 pts

True! My dad got shingles, he got one scab on his cheek. It went away.

[–] 1 pt

It sucks balls. Depending on where you get it, it can cause permanent scarring. I had it, and it was just annoying, but that doesn't mean everyone's experience is going to be the same.

[–] 1 pt

Everyone gets old eventually. Shingles is one vaccine that makes sense.

[–] 2 pts

Shingles has gotten less severe in the last decade or so. It's also gotten more prevalent. I had it recently.

While it's possible the vaccine was a stressor that caused the varicella virus to emerge, I don't think you can really place the blame on it. Could've been purely coincidental.

[–] 1 pt

I learned just this month that shingles is just herpes. Ironically because this gene therapy cocktail triggered it in people.

[–] 0 pt

A vaccine is intended to elicit an immune response and the chicken pox vaccine is attenuated you stupid faggot. "Could've been purely coincidental" yea, I'm sure you mentioning that is not coincidental.

[–] 4 pts

You just need to make sure to expose your kids to it when they are young. Chicken pox is a more serious disease when you are older.

[–] 3 pts

If you've never had chicken pox, you can't get shingles. By avoiding childhood chickenpox via vaccination, they'll avoid elderly shingles. Obviously it's much easier for a child to survive chicken pox unscathed than it is for an elderly or medically fragile adult to make out well.

From a statistics view, getting the chicken pox vaccine to avoid a, very real, nasty disease in the future makes sense. The other vax,...not so much.

[–] 2 pts (edited )

kek @ chickenpox being nasty.

its two days of throwing up and fever. its a nothing burger. and unless youve got something else going on youre immune for life.

as for 'you have to have had chickenpox first' well plenty of adults that have had shingles without chickenpox would say otherwise.

either way its irrelevant because give it 6 months no one will ever trust medical people again in their entire lives (those that continue to trust them even now are literally the walking dead, theyre being sterilised and killed off and we were told it would happen more than 2000 years ago) and we can go back to being humans with non pharma compromised immune systems again and the only time youll hear about 'Karen' her heroic triple mask wearing and collapsed lungs and scarred heart from experimental gene thearapy again is during her memorial service.

[–] 0 pt

Do you know how to read? I said that singles is nasty, not chicken pox.

You seem to be a slight dissenter in this thread. Which of the childhood vaccines do you believe in and which can be skipped? I never did the research so I'm really just curious on the topic.

[–] 0 pt

I wouldn't say that I believe in a vaccine. I use math and primary literature to determine if the risk outweighs the reward on a case by case basis.

For instance, consider a healthy person who has a 99% chance of surviving covid, any vaccine administered would boost the 99%. In this case an experimental vaccine whose gov has a lot of reason to hide and lie about symptoms. Yeah, not worth it! Now consider that you are a 65 year old obese person with lupus. Your chances of being seriously affected by covid are much higher, let's just say you would have a 35% chance of dying. The vaccine could decrease your risk significantly. If the VAX works it could biologically put you in the same boat as the healthy 99% er. If it works. We need more data, it just doesn't exist yet. Other traditional VAXes do have data. If a Dr reccomends something, ask for more information and come back after you've read about the risks and benefits. Nobody should ever use salesman tactics to receive medical concent.

[–] 2 pts

I caught chicken pox, mumps, measles, flu as a kid in the 80s. Wasn't a big deal. Never missed a single day of secondary school after that. I don't get sick as an adult now, partly due to that, partly due to avoiding modern foods.

I pity all these westernised modernist idiots treating drugs as a health panacea, they are going to have problems when they're older.

[–] 1 pt

Chicken pox as a child is no big deal. An adult contracting chicken pox can kill you. Additionally, children who've had chicken pox can have it recur as an adult in the form of shingles which is much worse (I've had it...there was no chicken pox vaccine when I was a kid). If the government weren't so stupid and scared of the sniffles they'd have kept chicken pox vaccine schedules going as per normal and told boomers to stay home to avoid the sniffles.

[–] 3 pts

Never in my life heard of adult dying from chicken pox. What sort of obese degenerate carb-addicts do you associate with?