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Thanks to @Shake for the rumble link.

Mirror (vid8)

Thanks to @Shake for the rumble link. [Mirror](https://vid8.poal.co/user/AOU/4CeAeSz)

(post is archived)

[–] [Sticky] 4 pts (edited )

Related of him at EU Parliament ICS3 (International COVID Summit III) from May of 2023:

Same videos (~21min, 71mb) https://vid8.poal.co/user/AOU/26TLy9a (https://poal.co/s/Truthhurts/648869) https://vid8.poal.co/user/0k_/Gcb6lx9

Same presentation, but split-screen that includes the presentation's slideshow:

Same videos (~21min, 333mb) https://vid8.poal.co/user/WildKraken/vhiC1yt https://vid8.poal.co/user/WildKraken/amhx1Mr

[–] 7 pts

Interesting watch and he speaks the truth.

Looked him up and this is his company: https://archive.ph/TG6VN

Suspicious logo and company is involved with (((banking, finances and government))). Don't think he's our guy.

[–] 4 pts (edited )

I'm pretty sure he's a spook who is delivering a modified hangout.

He characterizes the World Health Organization as the "criminal organization" behind the the pandemic, lockdowns, and forced injections.

Well, there are some inconvenient truths about his "theory" that make it highly implausible: * the WHO doesn't control the media/popular culture (the media was instrumental in delivering the psychological operation that terrorized people into lockdowns, masking, and subsequent injections, promoting the "vaccine", and presenting one-sided arguments about an experimental mystery injection, while dismissing people who told the truth as "conspiracy theorists") * the WHO (at that time) did not control government health organizations directly * the WHO is an organization, not named individuals. Notice how he stops short of implicating real people, and blames an organization?

Of course, the group that DOES have control over the levers of power over governments (who fund the WHO), health organizations, the media, and pharma are the old money jewish banking families and their network of jewish and shabbos goy mafia members.

This "Dr. David Martin" character is not our guy. He's a pied piper modified hangout artist. Plus never trust a guy who looks like he wears bow ties.

[–] 2 pts

I think that anyone who is connected to banks or government is not to be trusted.

We can't expect people who have business or positions to lose to start calling out jews, but we are getting really close to it becomeing unavoidable.

[–] 3 pts (edited )

I find this image particularly disturbing... https://archive.md/TG6VN/d16e5b3568ab6aab6ea6e9126ae8b3c98bf3d13b.jpg

For obvious reasons: Blue = boy Spirals = boy love Flesh tone double spinnaker in the shape of legs and a backside. Aquamarine green figure below horizon could be shark below the surface...

Sure the sky is blue and the sea is blue and the wind can be represented as spirals and spinnakers are normally colorful... blah blah blah.

Maybe I'm over sensitive or misinterpreting it but, it looks creepy to me.

PS: The video however was very good.

[–] 2 pts

Maybe I'm over sensitive or misinterpreting it


[–] 1 pt
[–] 3 pts

Not naming jews is not our guy. But he has been doing good work and played a big part on why airlines dropped masks.

[–] 4 pts

He doesn't necessarily need to directly namen the jews to be our guy, rich people like him have a lot to lose. Just by saying what he did and naming the people responsible he gave (((them))) a big "fuck you".

For long time I have non-jewish rich people to start come out of the woodwork once enough of people wake up, and start to back us up.

He could be one of those, or he could be a jewish player who is making it look like someone is doing something about (((Covid criminals))) so we don't have to.

I could just be paranoid, but him being allowed to openly say all that without surrounding jews crying out and screeching is a bit unusual.

[–] 2 pts

Good catch on that logo. Website is chock full o' symbols. (pic8.co)

[–] 1 pt

They think they are so smart and secretive with their stupid little symbols plastered everywhere.

Also notice in the video that his hands are full of rings.

[–] 4 pts (edited )

Isn't that the guy with the website with the freemason logo?


Yeah, that's him.

There's a 90% chance this guy is a silver tongued pied piper presenting a modified hangout.

[–] 2 pts

Just related, John Campbell posted evidence yesterday that vaccines increased death rates.

[–] 2 pts

We call them crimes against humanity. When are we going to Nuremberg those involved?

[–] 2 pts

One thing you can say for the Covid, It seems to have completely eradicated the flu and the common cold...

[–] 0 pt (edited )

TLAVagabond interviewed him today. A lot of what he said sounds like boomer bullshit. You shouldn't trust anyone that's comes across as a revelator, someone that just continuously spits out grand revelations without significant supporting evidence.


Long stream of bullshit around 47min mark.

[–] 1 pt

Glow harder faggot

[–] 0 pt
[–] 1 pt



And? That faggot it a glownigger too. He has interesting theories and all, but he's not so good at formulating evidence. Who said Dr. Martin is "our guy" ever? The WHO? lmao! Obviously he is a shill. But the evidence he presented was not false. And exactly what names are we waiting to hear that will change everything? And why would it matter? We already know the names... Do they magically die if they get named by someone in a video that gets posted to youtube? Mind not changed. My reply stands. Regardless of Dr. Martin's "our guy" status he pointed out relevant facts and evidence that are just as valid as naming names would be. We already know who did it...

"Ignore the facts goyim he wears a bowtie and is obviously a jew..." - some jew somewhere (I'm sure of it)