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Pithy, succinct and true.

Pithy, succinct and true.

(post is archived)

[–] 2 pts (edited )

Dont forget that England kikes were buying textiles from the south at exorbitant prices to price out the north.

And then Lincoln put tariffs on those goods. So the South said fuck you

[–] 1 pt

Ummm... Not exactly. Lincoln wasn't responsible for the institution of excise taxes.

There had never been an "income tax" since the US was formed. The only form of income that the US Congress had in order to generate revenue for the treasury was in the form of "excise taxes" on exported goods. This was from the beginning. Only it wasn't fair to the whole country.

The Northern states were net importers of foreign made manufactured goods and possessed very little that other countries wanted to buy.

The Southern states on the other hand had vast amounts of raw materials and cheap agricultural products that were exported to Europe and were therefore taxed. The Southern states saw this as their money being unfairly taken by damnyankees, for damnyankee purposes, and with no benefit to themselves, not unlike what England had done to The Colonies before the American Revolution. That the North was treating the South like a cow that could be milked at will.

That was also one of the reasons that the Union had to foment a conflict at Ft. Sumter after the South seceded. They were "kicking the dog until it bites", to give them a reason to declare war and use force to bring the Southern states back to heel. They couldn't just stand by and watch their only source of income just walk away like that.

BTW, when you look at the banks today, remember that the Chase family originally made their money running boot-leg cotton to England out of Texas. Given enough time and money, anybody can manufacture "respectability". Like the Kennedys.

[–] 1 pt

The North and the South had a very mutually beneficial economic relationship: the South produced Raw Goods and sold them to the North who turned them into Finished Goods and sold them back to the South. So Rothschild started offering the South absurdly good prices for their goods. So naturally the South wanted to sell to them - what day to day business is worried about international economic warfare from the shadows? But the North saw what was happening. They saw the disaster that was being planned -so they put tariffs on those goods

[–] 1 pt

so they put increased the existing tariffs on those goods