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From Gab User - Jurgen@Largecock

I can't wait for their follow up pieces

The unbearable niggerness of rap music The unbearable niggerness of basketball The unbearable niggerness of rioting and looting The unbearable niggerness of criminality

The media is controlled entirely by jews - jews write this shit, edit it and publish it.

jews hate you - START NOTICING

From Gab User - Jurgen@Largecock I can't wait for their follow up pieces The unbearable niggerness of rap music The unbearable niggerness of basketball The unbearable niggerness of rioting and looting The unbearable niggerness of criminality The media is controlled entirely by jews - jews write this shit, edit it and publish it. jews hate you - START NOTICING

(post is archived)

[–] 6 pts

(((They))) even say it is unbearably white to notice (((their))) jewishness!

[–] 3 pts (edited )

Where were troops after the george floyd riots broke out and razed cities?

We need to talk about why jews are constantly painting white people as a demonic force.

[–] 3 pts

cause whites are the only ones that really do any of these activites? every other group had the last 50+ years to do some of these and hundreds of years to do other stuff.

yet they've accomplished nothing more than sexualization.

niggers can't ride bikes cause they're too busy stealing them,

niggers dont do ballet because they do tribal rape dancing

never seen a nigger play more than the drums, last time i seen one play guitar they set it on fire.

Whites storming the capitol? yeah they're scared last time whites rose up to politics there was a tea party.

[–] 0 pt

last time i seen one play guitar they set it on fire.

dam sun

[–] 2 pts

It doesn't bother me. If black people want to feel victimized, that's fine. White people need to just start ignoring the whiny blacks. Stop hiring them, move away from them, if you see one working in a store or restaurant, turn around and leave.

It's a badge of honor that basically every single good, wholesome thing left in the world is called "white supremacy." Let the pavement apes and their handlers make a mockery of themselves.

[–] 2 pts

The unbearable jewishness of banking

The unbearable jewishness of Hollywood

The unbearable jewishness of NGOs

Oy vey! (goyimtv.tv)

[–] 2 pts

If rioters had been people of color, troops would have been out in force.

O rly? (foxnews.com)

That black ballerina looks like a tranny. Perfect for Swan Lake, just what we need.

[–] 0 pt

And we could call it Swine Lake

[–] 0 pt

She would be good in the swan of colour.

[–] 1 pt

This is communist M.O. Attack and eliminate the culture of the people you want to destroy.

[–] 1 pt

dude this is poal. we all know.

[–] 0 pt

Just giving Poaler Bears, Former Goats, Former Reddit Fags and everyone else ideas on how to redpill fucking normies who fucking insist that those jewish fucks are still our greatest fucking ally.

[–] 1 pt

“Unbearable whiteness“.

But they will bear it. They will bear my whiteness, but not as a burden. The weight of our paved roads and our electrical grid and our sustainable farming...They will bear the weight of our generosity.

[–] 1 pt

What have the Romans ever done for us?!

-The Aqueduct.


  • The Aqueduct.

Oh....yeah, I suppose they did give us that. Yeah, that's true.

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