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[–] 1 pt

They're still dying too.

Mother in law has cancer (got it after her 4th jab, even though I told her not to get them, she really wanted to go on a cruise. She realizes now that it was the jab that caused her cancer), it's not getting better. She commented yesterday that there are LOTS of people who had previously recovered from cancer with it coming back, stronger and also not responding to treatment.

I think the main reason people are still refusing to admit that it was an atrocity is that they bought into it, they either physically or tacitly participated in it. They berated the few of us who resisted. The people who were coordinating this at a high level are totally committed, if they admit the truth, they will be hanged in the town square for what they did (and rightly so). But, they are relying on the many who went along, who scolded their colleagues and loved ones to "do the right thing" and "think of the children" (even more ironic as COVID was statistically zero risk to children). For them to come out and admit they are wrong would be to admit that they aided in the commission of arguably the most evil act perpetuated on humanity in the last hundred years (which is saying a lot, because there has been some bad shit go down).

I'm not sure how to resolve this though. The top level people must be punished, and in a way that will be remembered for millennia. But they must also be made to fully confess to what they have done, to publicly and unequivocally state that they deliberately designed and executed a planned mass cull of people, that they knew they were killing people and were pleased with that result. Even then, the majority of the population would still probably not believe it. Their psyche would forbid them from understanding it. I don't know how this can be resolved.

[–] 2 pts