Conspirology is from Latin: Conspiratio - conspiracy; and Greek: λογία - logia, is the scientific study of the nature, causes and effects, extent, control, and prevention of conspirational behavior in society.
Conspirology is a speculative social science, drawing especially upon the research of criminology, sociology, politology, psychology and psychiatry, anthropology, history, theology as well as other related disciplines.
1st conspiracy law - If you can think of any conspiracy that may physically exist, it already does. The main problem is to detect, solve and expose it, which is the conspiracy paradox.
2nd conspiracy law - Once can be a mistake. Twice can be a coincidence. Thrice is a pattern. The third time any phenomenon or action is to be acknowledged as conspiracy axiomatically.
3rd conspiracy law - Any well educated adult committing mistakes in own profession, or denial of obvious logic and factual evidences is to be acknowledged as a member of conspiracy.
Conspiracy - a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful against others.
Hypothesis - is based on argumented logic assumptions as a starting point for a theory.
Theory - is based on argumented facts that are exposing a conspiracy as truth or consensus.
Axiom - a self evident or self explanatory truth that requires no proof and no explanation.
Source - a person, information or phenomenon used to provide evidence in research for truth.
Evidence - body of facts or information proving that an intuition or analysis are valid or true.
Paradox - beginning of the logic chain for the detection of the causes of the conspiracy.
Anomaly - progress of the logic chain of the deduction of the expansion of the conspiracy.
Paradigm - completion of the logic chain of the deductions ending in resolving the conspiracy.
Estimation - calculating of the spreading of conspiracy by Time, Velocity and Distance.
Shill - a trickster or swindler who poses as a real genuine person to entice or mislead others.
Sock - accounts are created by the same shill in hope to endorse his views and trick others.
Mobbing - a group of shills that surrounds and attacks an unaware person to shut him up.
Honeypot - a place luring unaware people in order to be deceived and murdered by shills.
Circumvention - abuse of the victim's needs, passions or naivete by obfuscation till death.
Holistic - Conspiracy must be considered as a whole, not as collections of the unrelated parts.
Heuristic - Conspiracy can be solved by intuitive judgment like stereotyping and common sense.
Detection - "Never attribute to stupidity that which is adequately explained by malice, is a start for researching the truth." - Anonymous
Deduction - "When you have eliminated all the impossible, whatever remains, however, even if implausible must be the truth." - Conan Doyle
Delusion - "When you have eliminated all the possible, whatever remains, however, even if improbable must be the lies." - Tiziano Sclavi
Ubermensch - Human minority able to think rationally and objectively, known as freemen.
Ublichmensch - Human majority unable to think rationally and objectively, known as sheeple.
Untermensch - Inhuman minority able of lying, stealing and murdering, known as degenerates.
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