jew tears
jew tears
Some use "precious bodily fluids" according to General Buck Turgison.
The lamentations of their women.
Glass of hot water with a single drop of dishsoap. Wet microfiber cloth and wring nearly all water out before wiping screen.
I use Bounty full size paper towels, partially sprayed with Windex glass cleaner.
I've done this too, but windex will eventually fog the plastic. Better to use warm water and a tiny bit of dish soap with a cotton towel or cotton tee-shirt etc.
I use lens cleaner and a microfiber cloth. Do not use paper towels and windex.
There's a spray made specifically for this. Easy to find on Amazon. It's called "Screen Mom". I have all kind of big screens here and I use this. It works well.
Get some microfiber cloths. Make sure they're clean. Spray the cloth and then wipe the screen. Do not spray the screen directly.
I just picked this up off of Amazon, should get here tomorrow. Thanks for the recommendation
I just use a damp cloth...
I just use a microfiber cloth and some diluted isopropyl alcohol. Usually have 90% alcohol sitting around, and I'll dilute that down to probably 30% or so.
Drop of dish soap my finger, and a microfiber cloth.
Soft damp cloth with a drop of Dawn. The Dawn provides lubrication while breaking down oils and organics on your screen as you scrub. Give it a good scrub, should barely make any soapy bubbles. Wipe clean/dry with another cloth. I do about the same with my cheap reading glasses, a drop of Dawn, rubbed in with my finger then transfer to both lenses both sides, use the fingerprint of my fingers to scrub the lenses under a small stream of running tap water. When you can almost feel them squeak across the plastic lens you know they are clean. Wipe dry with a clean cloth.
My kindle screen looks like new (never used a protector) and is 6 years old, used heavily, daily. Cheap plastic lens readers look like new, no microscratches at all, last until the cheap hinges break or I accidentally step on them or other dumb move.
(post is archived)