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Anything I say you don’t agree with is (((Jealous-Foreign-Sand-Nigger-Jew-Kike-God))) brainwashing.

If you had self-awareness, you'd see that it's true.

It couldn’t possibly be that you’ve already admitted your religion doesn’t have the answers I’ve been looking for my whole life.

Yeah, we don't make claims about having answers. That's the Heroic-Epic of our people. We started off as ignorant as the barbarian races and gradually improved ourselves to what we are now and we will continue to improve ourselves and become the Übermensch.

Beware (((Jealous-Foreign-Sand-Nigger-Jew-Kike-God))) who retards your development by peddling (((Answers))).

Nope. It could only be the result of (((Jealous-Foreign-Sand-Nigger-Jew-Kike-God))) brainwashing.

Oh! YOU ARE SO CLOSE DUDE! SO CLOSE! If you had self-awareness, you'd see how close you are right now! Keep going. Drop the sarcasm and keep going! JUST TAKE ONE MORE STEP IN THIS DIRECTION DUDE! COMEON I KNOW YOU CAN DO IT!

It’s not that I’ve legitimately been seeking that truth my whole life

You can't legitimately seek truth if your intuition for self-awareness has been compromised. Notice how you never disagree with this basic axiom? You just ignore it as a dangerous and inconvenient truth as if it doesn't apply to you. (((Christian))) NPC Mode Activated.

It’s all only (((Jealous-Foreign-Sand-Nigger-Jew-Kike-God))) mind-virus.

Brainwashing is possible, but you are magically immune? Don't you find your own logic suspicious?

Your answers never deviate from that.

I'd love to deviate from that. But, we can't get past first principles if your faculties for self-awareness have been compromised.

They don’t shine any light on any subject.

They do. They shine a light on your lack of self-awareness. But, you don't understand this because you lack self-awareness.

But of course that’s all just (((Jealous-Foreign-Sand-Nigger-Jew-Kike-God))) brainwashing.

OH SO CLOSE DUDE! Say what you just said aloud 10 times without sarcasm. Look at yourself in the mirror as you say it. Look at your children as you say it. Look at your people as you say it. You are SO CLOSE!

[–] 0 pt

Of course I’m “so close” - because I completely understand your position. It’s not as though I’m somehow unaware of the dramatic tension that exists between Race Reality and the Ancient Faith. I am that.

You admit Heathenism doesn’t “pretend” to have the answers. But that betrays your belief that these answers are not real. And because you believe that, you’ll never be able to perceive the shortfall of your religion. You’ll never understand it, and won’t even be able to perceive that there is anything to understand.

And because of that blindness, you’re doomed to believe my priorities are somehow “messed up”. Of course you think that; they are unintelligible to you!

OK, here's my conceit. The difference between you and I, is that I am aware that I have been brainwashed. Everyone has been brainwashed. EVERYONE is a product of their Heroic-Epic.

The difference between you and I, is that I am aware that I am the product of a Heroic-Epic of my own peoples. It's a Heroic-Epic that puts my peoples first. Your Heroic-Epic is a (((Foreign Heroic-Epic))). One that does not put your people first.

The Heroic-Epic of my peoples tells us that WE will be the masters. Your (((Heroic-Epic))) tells you that you will be enslaved to a (((Foreign-Jew-God))).

My brainwashing encourages self-awareness. Yours retards self-awareness.

you’re doomed to believe my priorities are somehow “messed up”

I'm Doomed? Any priority that places a (((Foreign-Jew-God))) over your own people is, by definition, "messed up".

Of course you think that; they are unintelligible to you!

No, I actually get it. I've been explaining this to you for how many posts now? I can get it because my philosophy doesn't retard my faculties for self-awareness. I can point out flaws in my own philosophy. You can't. That's what I'm trying to explain to you.

YOU SHUT OFF as soon as you are asked to demonstrate self-awareness. When you ask me to demonstrate self-awareness, I can do it. The sad thing is, you can't recognize self-awareness because you don't have it. (((Christianity))) has turned you into an NPC and as such, you can't deviate from the script that has been brainwashed / programmed into you.

[–] 0 pt

Are you kidding? You can’t even consider the possibility that I am correct. You can’t even fathom the contingency that, maybe, Christ’s jewish lineage does not absolve you of responsibility for it.

Instead, you hide behind your blind faith in your Race to save you. A Race whose origins are a complete mystery to you. In a universe about which you know next to nothing.

Faith in a Race that has been utterly colonized by kikes.

Your definition of “self awareness” is so circular, as to be meaninglessness. A Christian cannot be “self-aware” in your philosophy, because self-awareness is rejecting Christianity ! It’s such a pointless definition as to be worthless.

I’m absolutely, completely willing to question every single tenet of Christianity, because I spent most of my life actively doing so.

But you can’t possibly accept that, because you are utterly incapable of seriously considering the implications if what I am saying is true.

Nope. You just blindly trust that calling it (((sand nigger kike jew bullshit))) is a sufficiently strong argument to disprove everything I’m saying.

It’s utterly pathetic.