They hit a water line a few months ago. Maybe they need to audit their sub contractors and make sure they are using qualified workers and not criminal illegal aliens.
From the post:
>Residents near Wright Alley in the Compass neighborhood in Erie were forced to evacuate their homes after a gas line was struck in the area, the town of Erie announced in a social media post. Around 11 a.m. the town was notified of a gas leak after ALLO Fiber struck a gas line. First responders evacuated homes in the area and have also closed down roads to evaluate the damage and conduct repairs.
They hit a water line a few months ago. Maybe they need to audit their sub contractors and make sure they are using qualified workers and not criminal illegal aliens.
From the post:
>>Residents near Wright Alley in the Compass neighborhood in Erie were forced to evacuate their homes after a gas line was struck in the area, the town of Erie announced in a social media post.
Around 11 a.m. the town was notified of a gas leak after ALLO Fiber struck a gas line.
First responders evacuated homes in the area and have also closed down roads to evaluate the damage and conduct repairs.
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