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I try to be PC with my neighbors but I've been out of the propaganda narrative so long now, it's hard to not speak the truth casually, and that doesn't match their narrative. My problem, is I'm not smart enough to actually navigate the conversation when it happens. Sometimes after I say something "wrong" someone will correct me, and I act surprised. I say "Really? That's what happened? Wonder where I heard 'X'. " Acting like they are informing me of something or clarifying something to me seems to help show the inconsistencies in their stories though, luckily. "Sorry, what? I didn't know that, can you explain to me 'x'? " then they explain it and i say "Well that's strange, I've hear that 'Y' was happening." Then the conversation gets as interesting as it can get with a normie as I make them break down why they believe that, sometimes all I can think of in reply is "Huh, weird."

There is this one conversation I've learned to have with normies that I think is pretty funny. I've made up this "conspiracy" just to see how they respond to a conspiracy they've thought they've heard before but never heard it phrased that way. When the subject of global warming comes up I like to say "So the government knows exactly what we're doing that is causing global warming? Doesn't that mean that the government knows how to control the weather?" Then they spend the rest of the conversation explaining to me why humans having control over the weather is not the same as humans having an impact on the weather. Quite hard to keep a strait face.

I try to be PC with my neighbors but I've been out of the propaganda narrative so long now, it's hard to not speak the truth casually, and that doesn't match their narrative. My problem, is I'm not smart enough to actually navigate the conversation when it happens. Sometimes after I say something "wrong" someone will correct me, and I act surprised. I say "Really? That's what happened? Wonder where I heard 'X'. " Acting like they are informing me of something or clarifying something to me seems to help show the inconsistencies in their stories though, luckily. "Sorry, what? I didn't know that, can you explain to me 'x'? " then they explain it and i say "Well that's strange, I've hear that 'Y' was happening." Then the conversation gets as interesting as it can get with a normie as I make them break down why they believe that, sometimes all I can think of in reply is "Huh, weird." There is this one conversation I've learned to have with normies that I think is pretty funny. I've made up this "conspiracy" just to see how they respond to a conspiracy they've thought they've heard before but never heard it phrased that way. When the subject of global warming comes up I like to say "So the government knows exactly what we're doing that is causing global warming? Doesn't that mean that the government knows how to control the weather?" Then they spend the rest of the conversation explaining to me why humans having control over the weather is not the same as humans having an impact on the weather. Quite hard to keep a strait face.

(post is archived)

[–] 6 pts

The hardest part isn't trying to understand what normies think. It's accepting the fact that normies are still "jacked into the system", so to speak. They're so engrained into the world around them, the media, the entertainment, everything, that they literally can't accept that they're controlled. Even the one's who think "I hate the media, and don't trust them." worse face masks. They took shots. They accepted narratives about treatment and disease progression. They hold a "view" about the various wars of the world without accepting who engineers them. They speak about sports ball as if it's an important world matter.

99% of people, even the based ones, won't accept the single factor that links the worlds evil: the jews. Until they accept that, they continue to be part of the problem.

[–] 2 pts

Yeah, sports fans have to be smart enough to understand the game while being dumb enough to think it matters...

[–] 0 pt

I'm the one who's dumb enough to not understand the game and smart enough to know it's rigged entertainment so learning it's intricacies seems moot. I prefer to watch nerds duke it out in RTS style games

[–] 3 pts

I'm using shame tactics and it's working well.

"Global warming? It's 2024 and you still believe in global warming? Everyone and their grandma knows it's a scam. You should watch less TV, they are pumping your head with nonsense."

It works very well.

[–] 1 pt

I'll have to try that sometime, would work better with strangers I won't meet again since I live in Cali where lots of people are triggered, it's tiresome to have triggered neighbors. I've had good fortune with meeting good parents but most of the people who are willing to talk to me at the parks are Mexicans, and "'whites"' who outed themselves as having a vague jewish heritage. Actual whites I meet are pretty rare and have a constant look of nigger fatigue and don't have enough energy to associate with new people.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

Yeah I can't navigate conversations on politics society history with normies anymore

[–] 1 pt

It is painful to do so. I tried to have a conversation with a neighbor about genetics but he wasn't having it. It's really hard for me to figure out what to talk about if it's not about politics, history, construction or human biology.