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I think I made a post like this a while back, but heres an update, plus, a question? After the red pill I had a little freakout that lead to my car being repo'd (which is lame because I used to own the truck i traded in for a bigger better truck that transformed into a car later in a different state).

Things were looking down, debt collectors were hounding me for my vehicle debt though I no longer had a vehicle. I decided to do something rather irrational. After what felt like a lifetime of developing good credit and working hard and saving money, I had nothing to show for it. I said FUCK THE JEWS in my head and maxed out my credit cards. Now LOTS of debt collectors were after me.

Well, I didn't open another bank account for a long time, not until years later when I needed to pay insurance (SCAM ALERT), so no credit card line. I was worried if I opened an account the eye of siron would know where I was and they'd come get me. I asked the guy at the bank if they would come after me if i had outstanding debt. He said they dont give information to debt collectors and that if I had too much debt, they wouldnt let me get a credit card, just a debit. I let him check my background or whatever its called, and he told me I have no outstanding debts with anyone, not for my car, etc, etc.

So my question is, how much power do debt collectors really have? Are they gambling when they buy someone's portfolio off the original people holding the debt? I still have debt collectors calling me to encourage me pay back my debts. I generally dont answer but this morning they caught me unaware because I was looking for a job and answered a random number. I never open with my name just in case its a scammer trying to record my voice or a debt collector. I just politely hang up on them.

But I thought my debt didnt exist? The bank worker didnt see any debt in my portfolio. So how are these people finding me to discuss my portfolio, I'm a little confused, and I dont think at any point in the future I will be pursuing them to pay back my debts.

I think I made a post like this a while back, but heres an update, plus, a question? After the red pill I had a little freakout that lead to my car being repo'd (which is lame because I used to own the truck i traded in for a bigger better truck that transformed into a car later in a different state). Things were looking down, debt collectors were hounding me for my vehicle debt though I no longer had a vehicle. I decided to do something rather irrational. After what felt like a lifetime of developing good credit and working hard and saving money, I had nothing to show for it. I said FUCK THE JEWS in my head and maxed out my credit cards. Now LOTS of debt collectors were after me. Well, I didn't open another bank account for a long time, not until years later when I needed to pay insurance (SCAM ALERT), so no credit card line. I was worried if I opened an account the eye of siron would know where I was and they'd come get me. I asked the guy at the bank if they would come after me if i had outstanding debt. He said they dont give information to debt collectors and that if I had too much debt, they wouldnt let me get a credit card, just a debit. I let him check my background or whatever its called, and he told me I have no outstanding debts with anyone, not for my car, etc, etc. So my question is, how much power do debt collectors really have? Are they gambling when they buy someone's portfolio off the original people holding the debt? I still have debt collectors calling me to encourage me pay back my debts. I generally dont answer but this morning they caught me unaware because I was looking for a job and answered a random number. I never open with my name just in case its a scammer trying to record my voice or a debt collector. I just politely hang up on them. But I thought my debt didnt exist? The bank worker didnt see any debt in my portfolio. So how are these people finding me to discuss my portfolio, I'm a little confused, and I dont think at any point in the future I will be pursuing them to pay back my debts.

(post is archived)

[–] 0 pt

I am repentant of the debt, that's why I'm not doing it again, but I do not empathize with the victims in this particular situation, they're jews.

I would not put family and friends in the same situation.

[–] 0 pt

Pay your debts. You dont get to keep the money you stole and claim you "repented".

[–] 0 pt

by the time i have money to pay the debts back, the debt will be off the record and the only person in the world to care about my debt will be you, not even God will care. At the moment, I cant think of a joke more broke than me. I do not have money. If the bankers were good innocent people like my friends and family, I would never had made that mistake, but they were jews hellbent on sacrificing our world to satan.

When I got the truck, I had every intention of paying the debt back and made generous payments every month to see that through. I payed all my debts back. I made a very honest living. I was an upright woman with a strong moral compass, but I had left the faith when I was 16.

after the red pill, I made a bunch of plans to start communities and make the world a better place, which I could do, but I put all my eggs into one basket. That's when the jews used covid to shaft me and everyone i knew in the ass and ruin my entire life. My fiance was laid off from his job and for a very long time, neither of us were employed, and the vehicle i used to own and traded in for a truck then traded in for a car to afford gas was taken from us. I put ALOT of money into that cheap piece of shit. Now my entire life was worthless, we had no money and no way out except by God's mercy. When I was part of the feminist cult, i was making 75,000$ a year, I traded that in to be a housewife and put the reins in my fiance's hand like God intended, and we crashed and burned.

Yeah, I will say I went through a little mid life crises and maxed out the cards in a "fuck the bankers" kinda way, but I don't think God is taking it the same way you are. I pray to Him, not you.

look, if you're not going to like me, then theres nothing i'm going to say to fix our non existent relationship. Enlighten someone else with your wisdom and try to save a different soul from hell, or I guess just informing people they're sinners is good enough fun for you. You must be a busy guy, I dont think theres a single non sinner in this whole world.

Whether or not i did that little stunt, I would still be feeling the flames lick me right now as punishment for being raised to live as a feminist, as every day being poor and relying on a man to save me while I take care of the smaller world feels like hell. It only feels ok when I remember this was God's goal for me the whole time. God is teaching me to find my center and peace in my roll as a housewife despite my feminist conditioning. But soon I'll be getting a job as a waitress so I can help us save up and move out of this stupid expensive city. I guess God even uses assholes like you somehow too, I'll have to meditate on that one.

[–] 0 pt

not even God will care.

Thou shalt not steal. He's very clear on this. Thou shalt not bear false witness about what He says.