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I think I made a post like this a while back, but heres an update, plus, a question? After the red pill I had a little freakout that lead to my car being repo'd (which is lame because I used to own the truck i traded in for a bigger better truck that transformed into a car later in a different state).

Things were looking down, debt collectors were hounding me for my vehicle debt though I no longer had a vehicle. I decided to do something rather irrational. After what felt like a lifetime of developing good credit and working hard and saving money, I had nothing to show for it. I said FUCK THE JEWS in my head and maxed out my credit cards. Now LOTS of debt collectors were after me.

Well, I didn't open another bank account for a long time, not until years later when I needed to pay insurance (SCAM ALERT), so no credit card line. I was worried if I opened an account the eye of siron would know where I was and they'd come get me. I asked the guy at the bank if they would come after me if i had outstanding debt. He said they dont give information to debt collectors and that if I had too much debt, they wouldnt let me get a credit card, just a debit. I let him check my background or whatever its called, and he told me I have no outstanding debts with anyone, not for my car, etc, etc.

So my question is, how much power do debt collectors really have? Are they gambling when they buy someone's portfolio off the original people holding the debt? I still have debt collectors calling me to encourage me pay back my debts. I generally dont answer but this morning they caught me unaware because I was looking for a job and answered a random number. I never open with my name just in case its a scammer trying to record my voice or a debt collector. I just politely hang up on them.

But I thought my debt didnt exist? The bank worker didnt see any debt in my portfolio. So how are these people finding me to discuss my portfolio, I'm a little confused, and I dont think at any point in the future I will be pursuing them to pay back my debts.

I think I made a post like this a while back, but heres an update, plus, a question? After the red pill I had a little freakout that lead to my car being repo'd (which is lame because I used to own the truck i traded in for a bigger better truck that transformed into a car later in a different state). Things were looking down, debt collectors were hounding me for my vehicle debt though I no longer had a vehicle. I decided to do something rather irrational. After what felt like a lifetime of developing good credit and working hard and saving money, I had nothing to show for it. I said FUCK THE JEWS in my head and maxed out my credit cards. Now LOTS of debt collectors were after me. Well, I didn't open another bank account for a long time, not until years later when I needed to pay insurance (SCAM ALERT), so no credit card line. I was worried if I opened an account the eye of siron would know where I was and they'd come get me. I asked the guy at the bank if they would come after me if i had outstanding debt. He said they dont give information to debt collectors and that if I had too much debt, they wouldnt let me get a credit card, just a debit. I let him check my background or whatever its called, and he told me I have no outstanding debts with anyone, not for my car, etc, etc. So my question is, how much power do debt collectors really have? Are they gambling when they buy someone's portfolio off the original people holding the debt? I still have debt collectors calling me to encourage me pay back my debts. I generally dont answer but this morning they caught me unaware because I was looking for a job and answered a random number. I never open with my name just in case its a scammer trying to record my voice or a debt collector. I just politely hang up on them. But I thought my debt didnt exist? The bank worker didnt see any debt in my portfolio. So how are these people finding me to discuss my portfolio, I'm a little confused, and I dont think at any point in the future I will be pursuing them to pay back my debts.

(post is archived)

[–] 2 pts

From my little understanding a bank or credit card company will sell the debt to collectors after a certain amount of time which would hit your jew score something fierce but render it gone. The collectors themselves buy the debt for a fraction of its original value but only have so long to collect on it legally, if you make a payment at all during the time frame it shows you're willing to pay it and can no longer avoid them but if you ignore it for X years there isn't anything they can do.

[–] 2 pts

Debt never expires, you always owe it, but they can't use the legal system to collect it after 10 years. That can be extended though and it's jewish as fuck.

[–] 2 pts

If you're never going to pay off the debt don't start! It will restart the debt clock and they will go after you for the full amount. Don't talk to them nor repsond to emails or snail mail.

You can try to offer (if you want to pay) them like ten cents on the dollar for a lump sum but get in writing the debt is paid off in full.

[–] 1 pt

Makes sense, feeling pretty smart never answering with my name or at all if i can help it.

[–] 1 pt

excellent! I had left the state i originally bought the truck and didnt make a big enough splash in the new state for anyone to know where i was for a long time. the debt collectors had the police go to my original residence and try to get me, but they were a day late and dollor short. I think since they pursued me in the original state and couldnt get me to go to court, they cant pursue me now in any state. Not sure on that one.

[–] 2 pts

File for bankruptcy and use a kike lawyer. There are options where you get to keep any and all assets.

[–] 0 pt

I dont have a whole lot of assets at the moment worth fighting for. An old shitty car, some furniture, cloths, toddler toys and tools. That's about it.

[–] 1 pt

Debt will fall off of your credit report 7 years after the last report.

Nothing stops a company from re-reporting the debt at later and later dates. Most eventually just give up and write it off.

Go to credit karma, and see what your credit report says. Your bank, may also have a mechanism on their site to allow you to pull a credit report for yourself.

You should really pull your report once in a while and check it yourself.

[–] 0 pt

i should check it more often for sure

[–] 1 pt (edited )

Zombie debt can be around forever. If your file was sitting in some collectors cold file cabinet, it could have been sold and brought back into circulation.

The statute of limitations on debt generally only refers to their ability to take you to court and collect that debt. There's nothing stopping collector from selling your debt to another collector or calling you themselves to try and collect on it. Even potentially agreeing to review said debt can start clocks ticking again, so don't say anything.

Every state is different on how long the statute of limitations lasts, and what kind of debt is covered under what kind of limitations. For example, in Mississippi it's 3 years for written debt, in Hebehio it's 15 years - the longest of any state. Negative marks on a credit report are not connected to this, they generally last 7-10 years depending on how the debt was written off.

As @Hexploits said, filing bankruptcy may be your best bet. Make sure your kikey kikelberg lawyer makes you a bunch of cease-and-desist letters for any collector that comes calling after the case is settled.

[–] 1 pt

Once it goes to collections, avoid them until the timeframe they have to collect expires. Commiefornia is 7 years. This happened to my daughter while in college. It was an unreasonable medical bill for a physical that the crew team was supposed to cover, but when she quit crew, university refused to pay. They wanted like $7,000. For a physical. Lol. Shred whatever threats they are mailing you and don’t answer the phone if you don’t recognize the number. If you do answer, tell them to fuck off and stop calling you.

[–] 1 pt

You can always argue there is no debt. Currency is created out of nothing. No assets were lent. Where is the debt?

[–] 1 pt

lol, the debt is treated like assets to the global elite, a way to demoralize and enslave the public.

In my particular case, I have no clue, and I will block any number who tries to enlighten me since theyre all trying to collect that debt.

[–] 1 pt

Correct. Debt, as we know it, is fake and gay. Yep. Just block the calls.

[–] 1 pt

I took a class in collections once. Don't ever admit you owe the debt. If you do, the 7 year debt clock starts all over again. After 7 years they're required to remove the debt from your credit history. After that you may be able to rebuild your credit.

[–] 1 pt

Once upon a time I was irresponsible with money, and also found myself in a bad spot.

I wish I could tell my former self the following. 1) debt collectors have very little power unless they managed to make it onto your credit report. 2) generally they won't sue for less than 6-10k because it isn't worth the legal fees. 3) you can legally tell collectors to stop calling you, and they must respect. 4) if one does show on your report, they bought it for less than 10% of the debt owed. Given enough time and hang ups many will negotiate lower rates. Get all deals ( pay $20 to wipe out $50) in writing, and never ever give them access to your main acct. They are known for taking more than agreed. Pay with vanilla card or an account for dedicated creditor payments. 5) debts fall off your report unless you interact with the creditor. Do not interact until you are ready to make a deal financially. 6) beware of zombie debts. When they show up tell the company to stop calling immediately. Let them know it's fallen off your report and that you will not pay under any circumstances.

It will be surprisingly easy to get back on track if you adopt a logical relationship with money and get to know your enemies.

[–] 1 pt

thanks for the advice, and sorry for the late response. If I could go back in time, I would tell myself to TAKE MY DAMN NAME OFF THE VOIVEMAIL BOX damnit i just noticed I never removed it! its been there for years, and i thought it was just my phone number answering missed calls!

[–] 1 pt

You're welcome. Honestly, it's never too late to fix your finances. Let me know if you need any advice in the future. Best wishes!

[–] 0 pt

So you're a thief who ripped off your lenders?

[–] 1 pt

not before they were thieves that ripped off the entire white race with the goal of enslaving us.

[–] 0 pt

You lied and stole. You are the scum of the earth.

[–] 0 pt

i disagree, but you judge as you see fit. I am not a financial advisor and i dont think people should just go around collecting debt, nor will I be doing this stunt in the future. the best way to counter the system at our tiny minuscule level is to simply not use their system. What I did hasnt had any kind of impact on our lives or the lives of others except for the debt collectors i could care less about.