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I live in a household of nerds that have all found each other and now live together like a slightly functional family. A good buddy of ours, got himself an electric desk because he works from home, he has a job that can be done from the computer (he owns the house and probably earns more than you so try not to throw shade just because he's a nerd).

I had no idea electric desks existed. They go up and down by the push of a button so you can stand or sit. Badass. I wanted to get one for my fiance/me since the desk we use is just a shitty folding table. It was so floppy my dumbass lost two keyboards because I let Toddler around the computer with liquids. Any bump would make the whole table shake then you gotta pray to God whatever is on the table doesnt spill. Luckily i found a mechanical keyboard at Goodwill. YouFu brand? never heard of them but at least i have the letter B back. Imagine using "paste" whenever you need to type a B. Ugh.

Anyways, I went the Nextdoor app (Which I stricktly use to interface with the general public in my area to trade/barter/give/get stuff i need to improve the quality of living in the house and sometimes others) and asked if anyone was willing to sell me a electric desk for 50 bucks since a new one was outside of my price range, even the cheap shitty ones. Someone hit me up and sold me one on the cheaper end of the quality spectrum, but its in great shape/ like new condition.

My house (i'm renting a room, sharing a room with my fiance and toddler, its a big room) is starting to turn from a glorified storage unit to an awesome elegant place. I cant wait till I'm done with all my project, the place is finally starting to feel awesome. Very close to becoming a master of the smaller world.

Does anyone else have a standing desk?

I live in a household of nerds that have all found each other and now live together like a slightly functional family. A good buddy of ours, got himself an electric desk because he works from home, he has a job that can be done from the computer (he owns the house and probably earns more than you so try not to throw shade just because he's a nerd). I had no idea electric desks existed. They go up and down by the push of a button so you can stand or sit. Badass. I wanted to get one for my fiance/me since the desk we use is just a shitty folding table. It was so floppy my dumbass lost two keyboards because I let Toddler around the computer with liquids. Any bump would make the whole table shake then you gotta pray to God whatever is on the table doesnt spill. Luckily i found a mechanical keyboard at Goodwill. YouFu brand? never heard of them but at least i have the letter B back. Imagine using "paste" whenever you need to type a B. Ugh. Anyways, I went the Nextdoor app (Which I stricktly use to interface with the general public in my area to trade/barter/give/get stuff i need to improve the quality of living in the house and sometimes others) and asked if anyone was willing to sell me a electric desk for 50 bucks since a new one was outside of my price range, even the cheap shitty ones. Someone hit me up and sold me one on the cheaper end of the quality spectrum, but its in great shape/ like new condition. My house (i'm renting a room, sharing a room with my fiance and toddler, its a big room) is starting to turn from a glorified storage unit to an awesome elegant place. I cant wait till I'm done with all my project, the place is finally starting to feel awesome. Very close to becoming a master of the smaller world. Does anyone else have a standing desk?

(post is archived)

[–] 2 pts (edited )

Sober houses can be incredibly wonderful places to get your life together and work through deep issues with other people of like mind.

Or they can function as an immersive internship program for Hell and the abyss hereafter, as you find yourself stuck in a monotonous cycle of routine tragedies and indignation, as you realize that the people in control of situation are making the situation worse, often through their own suffer.

In order to understand how a bad sober house functions, you have to remember the type of people that own sober houses. They are almost always someone in recovery themselves, and this can be either a good thing, or an extremely dangerous thing.

The economics of a sober house are actually pretty simple, as it is an industry that lacks any meaningful regulation. You rent a three bedroom house, the going rate for this in the neighborhood I was in is about 1,800 a month. You than fill those rooms with bun beds, get maybe eight or nine adult males living in a tiny Philadelphia rowhouse, charge them each 600 a month, and you can clear 3,000 a month in profit off of very little work. You get a good house manager, who is a junkie or alcoholic in recovery, and you charge him a little less rent to do your work for you. The owner of my sober house didn't actually discount the managers rent...

Because I am nearly certain the owner of my sober house was using. He started needing to make money really badly. The month before I moved in, he kicked out everyone because someone had died there, because everyone was using. I came into an empty house, only the house manager was left, and he managed to escape within a week of my arrival. So all of the sudden, instead of making 3,000 a month, he was losing 1,200.

The short-sighted solution to this is simple: stop screening applicants. Take anyone off the street, regardless of whether they are interested in recovery or not. And if they get caught using in the house, but are still paying rent, you can't kick them out, because you need the money. On the other hand, if you have someone who really does want to recover, but is having difficulty finding a job, they have to go if they can't pay rent in a week or two.

So there I found myself. My rent is always on time, I always attend meetings, I am in many ways a model resident. But the person who I shared a room with, a young hedonistic lawyer corrupted by sloth, he was drinking in the room, and had a "med-card" for week. He just stayed in his bed the entire time, drinking and vaping his pen.

In fact, when he first started drinking in the house, he was on Antabuse, which is a drug alcoholics sometimes take to prevent them from drinking. It prevents you from drinking by making you violently ill if you drink while you are on it. And he vomited everywhere.

But he didn't clean the vomit. Instead he hid it underneath his bed. And it was all over his sheets. He slept in it for days. The vomit didn't go away until I cleaned it all for him when I had the time to one Sunday morning. And I didn't want him to get kicked out, not until I got in an altercation with him days later (but that is another story).

Regardless, the owner knew he was drinking, knew he was using, and didn't do jack shit about it because his parents paid his rent on time. The poor man is not going to recover there. I am not joking when I tell you he did not get out of bed. His life was spent in misery, drinking and smoking and looking at his phone and laying in his own vomit.

And that brings me to the joyful ending. I just put down a deposit on an apartment in exactly the neighborhood I want. It is a 10 minute walk to the gym, 5 minutes away from two meetings I attend, and about 20 minutes away from my sponsor. It is clean and nice and full of happiness and promise, and I must thank God dearly for this good fortune and having put such wonderful and fearful obstacles along my way to make the path more interesting.

Now I have to find a desk.

[–] 1 pt

I'm moving out of this hotel hell tomorrow. It's a step up from my jew racket nigger sober house. It's funny how well I get along with niggers though. Even more so as they come into my shit job at 7/11... My folks been worried about me, not sustainable, though I haven't been heavily drinking, and not every day, I don't get annihilated, but they asked me to stay with them for a bit, cause besides rehab, life has been hell since the end of summer... I won't be drinking at all again after tonight, it's just been cope lately. I'm thankful, cause I need a solid jump off point for the future... Miss my old life, not sure where I'm headed from here, but it's a continual start

[–] 0 pt

how much are you paying for that hotel?

[–] 1 pt

Well godam godam,

But he didn't clean the vomit. Instead he hid it underneath his bed. And it was all over his sheets. He slept in it for days. The vomit didn't go away until I cleaned it all for him when I had the time to one Sunday morning. And I didn't want him to get kicked out, not until I got in an altercation with him days later (but that is another story).

thats fucking disgusting, who the fuck does that?! I remember drinking my gourd out one day when i was young, puked all over, got it in my hair and hit the wall with my head. I took a fucking shower and cleaned that shit up though i couldnt walk strait. Was so embarrased, never happened again. Been sober for a bit at this point, definitely dont cope like i used to. I'm a grown ass adult damnit.

And that brings me to the joyful ending. I just put down a deposit on an apartment in exactly the neighborhood I want. It is a 10 minute walk to the gym, 5 minutes away from two meetings I attend, and about 20 minutes away from my sponsor. It is clean and nice and full of happiness and promise, and I must thank God dearly for this good fortune and having put such wonderful and fearful obstacles along my way to make the path more interesting.

Man, that makes me so happy to hear, thats awesome you found a place like that :) great to see a happy ending despite all the drama!