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I live in a household of nerds that have all found each other and now live together like a slightly functional family. A good buddy of ours, got himself an electric desk because he works from home, he has a job that can be done from the computer (he owns the house and probably earns more than you so try not to throw shade just because he's a nerd).

I had no idea electric desks existed. They go up and down by the push of a button so you can stand or sit. Badass. I wanted to get one for my fiance/me since the desk we use is just a shitty folding table. It was so floppy my dumbass lost two keyboards because I let Toddler around the computer with liquids. Any bump would make the whole table shake then you gotta pray to God whatever is on the table doesnt spill. Luckily i found a mechanical keyboard at Goodwill. YouFu brand? never heard of them but at least i have the letter B back. Imagine using "paste" whenever you need to type a B. Ugh.

Anyways, I went the Nextdoor app (Which I stricktly use to interface with the general public in my area to trade/barter/give/get stuff i need to improve the quality of living in the house and sometimes others) and asked if anyone was willing to sell me a electric desk for 50 bucks since a new one was outside of my price range, even the cheap shitty ones. Someone hit me up and sold me one on the cheaper end of the quality spectrum, but its in great shape/ like new condition.

My house (i'm renting a room, sharing a room with my fiance and toddler, its a big room) is starting to turn from a glorified storage unit to an awesome elegant place. I cant wait till I'm done with all my project, the place is finally starting to feel awesome. Very close to becoming a master of the smaller world.

Does anyone else have a standing desk?

I live in a household of nerds that have all found each other and now live together like a slightly functional family. A good buddy of ours, got himself an electric desk because he works from home, he has a job that can be done from the computer (he owns the house and probably earns more than you so try not to throw shade just because he's a nerd). I had no idea electric desks existed. They go up and down by the push of a button so you can stand or sit. Badass. I wanted to get one for my fiance/me since the desk we use is just a shitty folding table. It was so floppy my dumbass lost two keyboards because I let Toddler around the computer with liquids. Any bump would make the whole table shake then you gotta pray to God whatever is on the table doesnt spill. Luckily i found a mechanical keyboard at Goodwill. YouFu brand? never heard of them but at least i have the letter B back. Imagine using "paste" whenever you need to type a B. Ugh. Anyways, I went the Nextdoor app (Which I stricktly use to interface with the general public in my area to trade/barter/give/get stuff i need to improve the quality of living in the house and sometimes others) and asked if anyone was willing to sell me a electric desk for 50 bucks since a new one was outside of my price range, even the cheap shitty ones. Someone hit me up and sold me one on the cheaper end of the quality spectrum, but its in great shape/ like new condition. My house (i'm renting a room, sharing a room with my fiance and toddler, its a big room) is starting to turn from a glorified storage unit to an awesome elegant place. I cant wait till I'm done with all my project, the place is finally starting to feel awesome. Very close to becoming a master of the smaller world. Does anyone else have a standing desk?

(post is archived)

[–] 4 pts

Having a desk would be great. I wish I just had a place to sit down and write. No such place in the sober house at the moment. Hopefully I'll be out by next week, but who knows.

[–] 3 pts

Damn, sorry to hear you're somewhere without a place to write! Having any luck finding a place to rent?

[–] 2 pts

Looked a place lady week that was affordable, it had a visible bedbug infestation. Looking at a place that is slightly less affordable on Tuesday, hopefully it goes well. However, nothing is affordable like it was even 10 years ago.

The first place I ever rented in Philly was a nice, two story rowhouse on a shitty, but livable part of town. It was 500 dollars a month, and I split it with roommate, so I paid 250 a month. For a house.

Now I am looking in shittier neighborhoods, and 800/month is the absolute minimum for a 1 BR apartment. But the place I am seeing on Tuesday is 950 a month, but it is close to my AA homegroup, sponsor, and gym.

I just can't stay in these sober houses anymore. In order to make money at my job, I have to have a certain positivity and enthusiasm about me, and that is heard when your roommates are hiding vomit underneath their beds and stealing each others firearms and you come home to detectives at your house every once in a while.

This poverty thing really is a trap, I can see how many do not escape.

But yeah, I would also like a desk to write at.

[–] 1 pt

Damn, that's rough buddy :( I was going to ask what a sober house was, sounded like a good thing until you elaborated. YIKES. Yeah, inflation is ruining our quality of life, and this taxation without representation is killing us. Used to be every adult male could own a house and every house had at least one desk in it. Now look at it...

[–] 1 pt

I have a standing desk both at home and at work. I seldom raise it though, so in practise I just use them as normal tables. I think it would be great for the back to stand instead of sitting, but I haven't stood enough to notice a difference.

[–] 1 pt

I like the adjustable desk because i can max its height to keep kids away from the keyboard. I feel its hard to find a desk thats the perfect height to sit at with good posture, the "desk" i just retired was at such a height that even with good posture my arms would go numb and start hurting/tingling after just a couple matches in online games.

I love standing at the desk so far. When my fiance was just my roomate, before he seduced me he got us into WoW when it rereleased, and we used standing desks to go from lvl-0 to lvl-60 in 9-days-played. not electric desks though, stationary. It was quite enjoyable compared to sitting all day.

its good for blood circulation to stand if you're going to be at the computer for long periods of time. You should give that desk a lift!

[–] 1 pt

Having a desk means you are a wage Fag. The top bosses may have them, but only for show.

[–] 1 pt

Weird connection you're making there. Its not a big fancy oak desk i can prop my feet on while looking down on people with judgment. Its average sized and facing a wall, not even real wood.

In the city, people give stuff away for free or sell stuff for dirt cheap all the time. It's possible to have a nicely furnished house while spending little to nothing. I hate living in the city, but at least it has that going for it. The only thing I'm a boss of is the kitchen. people throw away good furniture because it looks nasty but with my tools i can clean it up and make it look amazing. Wood is good like that.

I do not earn money or work for a boss, unless Toddler and Fiance count as a boss. You gotta fix your "If-Then" thinking right there. I don't earn any money, that is why i'm here bragging about a nice desk that i bought for dirt cheap.

[–] 0 pt

Wait, so you admit you don't work for any company...but still need a wage Fag desk?

[–] 2 pts

Desks existed before wage slavery, I bet the first desk was built by a white man who lived in a forest and needed a place to work for himself. When the deep state loses, we will still be using desks. Desks are going to be around forever until we lose a need for flat surfaces.

I'm sorry but you might be retarded.

[–] 1 pt (edited )

If you want to up your game even more, get a treadmill to go under the desk so you can walk while working. Now your sedentary job becomes an exercise that can have you walking 30 or more miles per day. If your job has those fitness challenges where you track number of steps, you win every time.

Yes I have this setup. The trick to NOT getting sore shoulders (from this or ANY computer setup) is to have the monitors be higher up so your eyes are in line with the bottom 1/3 of the monitor. Get monitors raisers (or a stack of phone books) or moutning arms where you can control the position/height of the monitors.

[–] 0 pt

I went to Goodwill a little bit ago and got a wood and metal bread container for the kitchen. It happened to be the perfect height and width to replace the stack of books Fiance was using for the monitor. Even with the lifting desk I decided to use the prop because Fiance/I agree with you, it does help alot!

My roomate doesnt use props, and his monitor is slightly broken and only points down. He could nigger-rig it to have it promote better posture, but doesnt. He's been gaming like this for years and idk how his neck doesnt snap off. He's in good shape though so I'm not going to give him shit about it, whatever works